First Baptist Richardson
As a church, we exist to worship God, grow together in Christ, and serve one another and the world around us. We would love to see you on Sunday.
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facebook.comJoin us on August 29th at 7:30pm for a night of worship and prayer! It will be at Communion Cooperative in Richardson, TX. Bring your friends and be prepared to encounter God and enjoy fellowship with people from all over DFW. We can’t wait to see you there!
Now Your mercy has saved my soul Now Your freedom is all that I know The old made new Jesus, when I met You! Glorious Day - Passion music #worshipeast
We love seeing your smiling faces every week! If you’ve been out of town this summer, you can catch up or stay up to date on all of our sermons by downloading our app! Available on the App Store and Google Play.
One of the many ways we express ourselves in worship is through our Celebration Choir and Orchestra! If you have an interest in being involved in leading our congregation for the Fall semester, join us tonight at 6:45pm in Worship East! For more information, contact
Worshiping with you is one of our favorite things! See you tomorrow at 9:30am or 10:50am! #worshipeast
This weekend, Worship East is excited to introduce guest worship leader, David Mwonga! David is a musician and worship leader based out of DFW. Raised in church his whole life, he has been leading worship since the age of 14. He is passionate about people experiencing the fullness of the Fathers joy in corporate worship and everywhere. He and his wife Lauren serve as worship pastors at Gateway Church. Come be a part of one of Worship East’s engaging services at 9:30am or 10:50am as we continue our series “Made Alive to Make Alive.”
This Sunday is the last opportunity you have to bring your unopened school supplies to our donation bins in the lobby. Let’s show RISD what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus and bless kids with over 1,000 backpacks full of school supplies! For more information on how you can help visit
“Let every knee, come bow before the King of Kings. Let every tongue, confess that He is Lord. Lift up your shout, let us join with all of Heaven. Singing holy!” 🎶- All Hail King Jesus Jeremy Riddle
This Sunday we have the opportunity to worship King Jesus as family! Join us at 9:30am (Classic or Contemporary) Or at 10:50am (Contemporary only) #youbelong #itsgonnabegreat
Sunday is a day we gather together to worship and hear the word of God, but what do we do when we leave the four walls of the church? Jesus commands us to love people and go make disciples! As followers of Him, this is our commission. As you go through your week, think about how you can expand the kingdom of God in your own life.
Happy Independence Day! We hope that you have an amazing day filled with laughter, food, and fun. As we celebrate, we are grateful for those who have served and sacrificed for the freedom we have in this country to passionately pursue Jesus! Let’s never take for granted the opportunity we have everyday to openly and boldly declare Jesus Christ as Lord. #freedom #passionatelypursuingjesus #fbrichardson
Backpack Bash Supply Drive
"We as a church have been called to be that catalyst for change within our community" One of the ways we are aiming to spark change is by ensuring students are set up for success in our schools. If you want to be a part of this outreach, visit for the supply list, Amazon wish list, financial contributions, and volunteer opportunites to assemble and distribute backpacks.