Hood United Methodist Church
Sunday Mornings:
Traditional Service- 8:30am
Sunday School- 9:40am
Celebration Service- 10:50am
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The Community Kitchen, a Partner of Ozarks Food Harvest
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It has never been easy to be a mother or father. The responsibility has always been awesome but there are some senses in which it is more difficult today than ever. Changes have swept over us and through home and family, altering both structure and expectations. Guidance is needed and this Sunday we look at the relationship of Jesus and Mary.
The Community Kitchen, a Partner of Ozarks Food Harvest
Photos from Hood United Methodist Church's post
Our church is growing bigger and we gotta make room for construction work! That's a GREAT thing!!!! Come by and see us Saturday 7am- 3 pm!!! Lots and lots of good stuff!!! 139 N Walnut Republic, MO
Everything MUST Go
Photos from Hood United Methodist Church's post
Challenge yourself and others to get involved with all that's happening at Hood UMC! http://www.hoodumc.org/
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The Christian faith is never theory. It is not about religious thinking. The Christian faith is about relationship. This Sunday we'll talk about the comings and goings of our lives, how we experience the risen Christ and how community happens.
Everything MUST Go
Items for sale. Adult bicylce, children's curriculum, chairs, tables, putting club, toys, doors, pictures etc...
Photos from Hood United Methodist Church's post
In between the raindrops, you can check out what's happening at Hood UMC! http://www.hoodumc.org/
The Community Kitchen, a Partner of Ozarks Food Harvest
Timeline Photos
Two disciples don’t recognize Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Why? One reason might simply be that they saw him out of context. Why don’t we recognize Jesus all around us, in the ordinary people we serve and who serve us? Perhaps our eyes can be opened, as were those of the two disciples.