Activate 14
Activate14 is an outreach initiative by the AIANC to strengthen the civic role of architecture and design in our community.
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It's not too late to register for our Charlotte based design competition!
Raleigh promotes timely social outreach from city hall
Happy to see Raleigh's city government is reaching out to the public in this way.
Ramble & Ride Raleigh
Great to see Durham giving priority to cyclists!
Building a community: houses for NC people with mental illness
A "Tine Home Collaborative" in Chatham County hopes to offer community to a group that needs it.
Activate 14
Streets for People!:
Activate 14
A great conference on a timely topic: Urban Ecosystems with Natural Learning Initiative
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Don't forget to join us tomorrow night for this event focused on Streets For People!
Alejandro Aravena Wins 2016 Pritzker Prize
Beyond the building: community-based design is a fast growing movement. Kudos to Alejandro Aravena, who just won the Pritzker Prize and is a great role model as this new kind of architect:
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Please join us on January 28th for a lively panel discussion on current and future design of Streets for People in Raleigh!