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42116 50th St W, # B, Quartz Hill, United States
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Trainer-Fit is a highly structured, strength and conditioning facility.

No membership fees! Give US 30, 60, 90 days and learn how to be FIT! STOP wasting your gym membership not knowing how to train. Let us teach you how to properly work-out and give you the skills and confidence needed to use your fitness facility or home gym.

We offer at Trainer-Fit - Advanced and Beginner training - One on One personal training - Couples training - Single and Progressive classes, which are all taught by qualified trainers.

Be the best version of YOU! Contact us now at 661-878-8282 or visit us at


Challenge Day 21 LBD - 90 Second Plank, 45 Triceps Dips, 40 Mt Climbers SPU - 210 Squats, 42 Push Ups

Challenge Day 20 LBD - Rest SPU - 200 Squats, 40 Push Ups

OOOPPPS! Here are the last couple days of challenge(s).... Day 16 LBD - Rest Day SPU - 170 Squats, 34 Push Ups Day 17 LBD - 80 Second Plank, 40 Dips, 40 Mt Climbers SPU - 180 Squats, 36 Push Ups Day 18 LBD - 40 Jacks, 40 Burpees, 40 Hi Knees SPU - 185 Squats, 37 Push Ups Day 19 LBD - 40 Bridges, 40 Squts, 40 Lunges SPU - 190 Squats, 38 Push Ups To get caught up, break it out throughout the day. Unless you want to be a monster and try it all at once! I just went for it after the long Father's Day weekend in the pool and BBQ....UGH, BUT AWESOME!!!!!

Challenge(s) Day 15 LBD - 35 Bridges, 35 Squats, 35 Lunges SPU -160 Squats, 32 Push Ups

Challenge(s) Day 14 LBD - 35 Jacks, 35 Burpees, 35 Hi Knees SPU -155 Squats, 31 Push Ups

Challenge Time Day 13 LBD 70 Second Plank 30 Tricep Dips 30 Mt Climbers SPU 15 Squats 29 Push Ups

Challenge Day 12 LBD - Rest Day SPU - 140 Squats, 28 Push Ups You guys got this, keep up the work!

Challenge continues....Keep it up for your summer body! SPU Day 9 - 115 Squats, 23 Push Ups Day 10- 125 Squats, 25 Push Ups Day 11 - 135 Squats,27 Push Ups LBD Day 9 - 60 Second Plank, 25 Tricep Dips, 25 Mt Climbers Day 10- 30 Jumping Jacks, 30 Burpees, 30 Hi Knees Day 11 - 30 Bridges, 30 Squats, 30 Lunges

Its move time! SPU - Day 8 100 Squats 20 Push Ups LDB - Day 8 REST Super easy day for challenges, but lets challenge ourselves with a quick jog!

Challenge(s) Day 7 - Lets get these done! LBD 25 Bridges 30 Squats 30 Lunges SPU 90 Squats 18 Push Ups

Challenge WOD LBD - Day 6 25 Jacks 20 Burpees 20 Hi Knees SPU - Day 6 85 Squats 17 Push Ups

Happy Monday....Challenge Days 3, 4 & 5! LBD Day 3 - 20 Squats, 20 Lunges, 20 Bridges Day 4 - Rest Day Day 5 - 40 Second Plank, 15 Tricep Dips, 20 Mt Climbers SPU Day 3 - 50 Squats, 10 Push Ups Day 4 - 65 Squats, 13 Push Ups Day 5 - 75 Squats, 15 Push Ups


NEAR Trainer-Fit

50th Avenue Salon

Quartz Hill, United States
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care