Tony's Pizza
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facebook.comWe are selling chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine’s Day at both of the Porterville and Lindsay locations!! A dozen for $10 and half a dozen for $5 Call in for a preorder!! Happy Valentine’s Day!! 💕💕
NOW HIRING! We are looking to fill daytime positions as well as delivery drivers. For those applying for a daytime position you must be willing to learn our POS system. For those applying for a delivery driver position you must have a working vehicle, a valid drivers license as well as registration and auto insurance. Applications are available at both Porterville and Lindsay locations!
Hello everyone! Starting tonight per special request, the Tony's Pizza in Porterville will stay open later on the nights our local high schools have home football games! Go, fight, win!
Congratulations to our graduating class of 2016!! In honor of our graduates Tony's Pizza will be open till midnight this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (June 8-10th)!