MachineLab CrossFit
What is CrossFit?
CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness, simply put; the harder you work and the shorter the duration of time it takes! Check us out! Ours is not your typical gym. There are no machines or mirrors here. Instead, you are the machines...and we - your trainers - are your mirrors. We are here to teach you safe, proper form.
We're all about functional movement. We'll teach you Olympic weightlifting techniques, gymnastics, and body weight drills. We use barbells, gymnastic rings, ropes, pull-up bars, kettle bells, medicine balls, plyometric boxes and jump ropes, to name just a few. You’ll learn movements like the Clean & Jerk, Snatch, Deadlift, Squat, Pull Up, Kettlebell Swing, Rope Climb, Box Jump and many more.
All of these are performed at a high intensity, relative to you, and are constantly varied. No more boring gym routines...ever! Don’t be afraid if these names seem like a foreign language to you. Soon you will be fluent!!
Have a question? Call or email us! Better yet, schedule an appointment to come check us out, meet a trainer, and see what we do! We are passionate about Cross Training and are very excited to spread the word and teach you how to change your life. We know Cross Training is different from any type of training offered in the area, and we're excited to bring it to the Portage community.
We are primarily focused on filling our gym with encouraging, supportive, people who want to make the best use of their training time and improve their fitness. We are a community of people who are willing to train hard but want to have a great time doing so.
Do not be intimidated! Everything we do at Group X is for any level of fitness: we can modify every movement, every workout, in order to ensure that everyone is performing at their own peak. "Everyone" includes whose who are unconditioned, have injuries, or limited fitness experience. We'll help you get into the best shape of your life...safely!
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