Bishop Larkin Catholic School
Bishop Larkin Catholic School is located in Port Richey, FL. It serves students in EC3-8th grade. Bishop Larkin Catholic School is located in Port Richey, Florida and a member of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. BLCS was established in 1989 and serves grades EC 3, Free VPK and Kindergarten through 8th grade.
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The BLCS Class of 2017 Graduates tonight! #BLCS2017 #Classof2017 #8thGradeGraduation #DOSP
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Our first graders are such characters!🙂 #BLCS2017 #1stGrade #CharacterDay #DOSP
Photos from Bishop Larkin Catholic School's post
The BLCS Class of 2017 ended their last full week as 8th Grade students with a Service Day at Atria Assisted Living on Friday! #BLCS2017 #8thGradeServiceDay #DOSP
Photos from Bishop Larkin Catholic School's post
The Second Grade class is "shaping up for Third Grade" - making robots out of shapes! #BLCS2017 #SecondGrade #DOSP
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Five more days! #BLCS2017
Photos from Bishop Larkin Catholic School's post
We began this memorable month of May with our May Crowing Ceremony! #BLCS2017 #MayCrowing #MayMemories
Photos from Bishop Larkin Catholic School's post
Our Ceremony of Lights at Mass today! #BLCS2017 #CeremonyofLights #DOSP
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Our exciting day is just one week away, please share with family, friends and fellow BLCS Alums! #BLCS2017 #Groundbreaking #DOSP
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Join us for Family Skate Night this Saturday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. SpinNations Skating Center in Port Richey! #BLCS2017 #FamilyFun
Photos from Bishop Larkin Catholic School's post
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for April. These students were recognized at Mass last week for being courageous! #BLCS2017 #SOM #DOSP
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Reunion Reception for BLCS Class of 2014! May 25th at 6 pm. We hope all our 2014 Graduates can join us! #BLCS2017 #Classof2014
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Hoping all our Bishop Larkin Mothers have a wonderful day!