Golden Triangle Recovery Community
How can we help you with your recovery? Our Peer-based services are formed on sound psychological principles, that have been tested in multiple environments (including addiction and behavioral treatment settings for drug and behavioral health disorders as well as military veterans and ex-offender re-entry). Our holistic approach is grounded in the aspirational values of local recovery oriented systems of care that exist within our communities.
We offer the support of individuals with lived experience who have come to realize that treatment works, the restoration of hope is needed and people can and do recover from drug and behavioral health disorders.
Our goal is to assist individuals and families become stable in their living environment, in turn fostering the belief that they can reach their full potential and help others within their community do the same.
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Port Arthur's 16th Annual City-Wide
Spindletop Center
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This will be held in Port Arthur. For more information please contact 409-527-1518
Generation Found
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Generation Found: Official Trailer | 2016 | Documentary Film
Watch the trailer at Buy your tickets at our personal website
Generation Found
Check it out!!!
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Job Fair Mid-county! Please share!
Join me in supporting the Make CARA Count Campaign
Damon West - the rise of a fallen star
Congratulations to Damon West for his achievements!!
I Love Baseball