Pontiac First United Methodist Church
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of Pontiac and the World! Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Worship Service Times: 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School for all age at 9:30 a.m.
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Still looking for interested men to join us on this trip. Contact Troy Williamson.
Giving It All Away…And Getting It All Back Again Day 9 of 9 Read: Deuteronomy 11:18-21 Passing on the Legacy Our job as wise stewards is to pass on wealth-all forms of it-to future generations. Passing on financial wealth is the easiest form of capital to pass on, yet in most cases it should be the last form of capital to pass on because of its inherent danger. I know many reading this will not consider themselves to be financially wealthy, which is fine. We are all stewards of the story that God has given us. It is a good story. There are elements of pain and great joy. But it is our story. It is a story of redemption and hope. Let me speak as a father, a grandfather even, to those reading. Our call in this day and age is to preserve and to pass on our story-our legacy-to those coming after us. Our children. Our grandchildren. Our great-grandchildren. Even those children we will never know or see. I think God intended all along that one generation would tell the next, and they in turn tell the next. It is to be an ongoing story. Here's our clarion call: if we recover this idea-if we give our lives to the idea of passing wealth on to future generations-then we'll get it all back again in the form of future generations who will still follow hard after Christ. Perhaps it is in such a time as this that God is calling men, women, and children to live this -to live for ideas bigger than themselves and to invest in things bigger than themselves. And if we do, we will bring lasting change and hope to our world. Application: It is one thing to be inspired by a devotional study, but it's quite another to follow through. What can you do to make your legacy a priority in your life? This reading plan is based on the book, Giving It All Away. . . and Getting It All Back Again, by David Green, CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby.
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Maker Fun Factory VBS
VBS Coming: June 26, 2017 — June 30, 2017 08:00 am (CDT) — 11:30 am (CDT) Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they're lovingly crafted by God. Join us for Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School! Register your kids today or sign up to volunteer as a leader or helper. Sign up at the link.
Giving It All Away…And Getting It All Back Again Day 8 of 9 Read: Matthew 6:19-21 Staying Rich Some of you are standing in shoes similar to my own. You are nearing the end of your life, wondering how to finish well and leave a legacy that will bless your family and those they interact with for generations to come. Some of you are just starting out in life, taking your first steps toward those dreams and plans. Whether you're at the end or the beginning of life, I want to challenge you to do three things: Work with all your heart, for God and not for men. Hold your plans lightly, because you really have no idea what the Lord has in store. Consider now what you want your legacy to be. It is not too early to begin. When we're young, sometimes we think there's a magic key in life that will answer all the questions or solve all the problems. It's easy to think that life possesses some big secret and that when we find success somehow, we'll attain this key to unlock all the mysteries of life. But now, as part of the emeritus faculty of life, I can say that it's much simpler than that: be faithful with what God puts in front of you, and invest in the things of heaven. The decisions you make today will affect the legacy you leave behind. Whether you are a young business man who has found himself encountering what the world sees as success both in career and family life, or a young woman who recently graduated and has no idea what is in front of you, today is the right day to make your decision in light of the truth that God owns it all. Live your life in this world while investing your wealth in the next. Application: When you consider your life today, what are the things and people you are investing in that will last for eternity?
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