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Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church

4510 Palm Valley Rd, Ponte Vedra Beach, United States
Presbyterian Church



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Happy Labor Day!

SMALL GROUP SUNDAY is coming up! Have you been wanting to get connected at PVPC and didn't know where to start? One of the very BEST ways is to join a small group bible study! New groups are starting up soon. Come worship with us Sunday morning at 9 or 10:30 and discover which group is right for you!

Join us for worship, communion and prayer at PVPC's Morning Grace service this morning in the Fidler Chapel at 10am.

We want to wish artist & friend of PVPC, Romeo Caseria, a very happy birthday! Romeo is a true blessing to PVPC with his artistry, servant's heart and love for Christ. Romeo will be painting during our worship service on Sunday, September 17th. You don't want to miss it! Happy Birthday, Romeo!

Donations are being accepted NOW to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. You can donate through any of these great organizations: Samaritans Purse at, Mission to North America (PCA) at SWAT Radio: Download the SWAT radio app at the app store (or Google play on android devices), click on the donate link. 100% of funds go directly to the flood victims through churches in the Texas area. You can also give by texting "give" and the amount (ex. give $100) to 904-503-6202. Lastly, you can give through PVPC and designate "Harvey relief SWAT radio" by using this link

Only 3 weeks left to register for our New Member Class. If you are interested in learning more about PVPC or ready to join, this class is for you! The class, snacks & childcare are FREE! We'd love for you to join us! Contact Gretchen at to register for the class. Contact Marleen at for childcare registration.

What a great way to start Monday off right! Check out this sneak peak at worship with the Ponte Vedra Christian Co-Op families. The Holy Spirit's presence was felt in our sanctuary by many! Thank you Jeremiah Jones and the PVPC worship team for this awesome treat yesterday!

Beach baptisms in the evening and a baby baptism Sunday morning. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Lord, we commit to pray for sweet Ashdon to have a desire to serve You.

Proud of these teens for proclaiming their faith to the world last Sunday through the sacrament of baptism. If you're interested in baptism, call our church office at 904.285.8225.

Praise God for His blessing on PVPC with the addition of Tyrrell Arnold as our full-time High School Youth Ministry Director. Tyrrell and his amazing wife, Haley, have been faithful to God's calling to serve His Kingdom and we are honored they are fulfilling that call at PVPC.

Wow! Blown away by the generosity and servant's hearts of our friends from Hugs From Hunter. Thank you so much for the donations to PVPC's food pantry. Want to learn more about Hugs From Hunter? Click this link...

Looking for a place to serve at PVPC? Volunteers are needed to serve once a month in our children's ministry or the nursery at either service on Sunday mornings. Contact Marleen at


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