Chris Christianson Realtor
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facebook.comStarting to Eat Healthier and Feel Better. Paulie and I have the toughest time eating clean consistently. We've got to do it! Too many positives to count!!! Eating 2 meals a day that are plant based only.
Paulie Skaja
We've had a lot of feedback about the train too close. Here is some footage of a train going by 5133 Black Oaks Court N. You be the judge and I'd appreciate your thoughts based on this video. Thanks in advance!
Sweet Cover of a Marley classic!
Thank you to everyone that has liked my page! I'm thinking of what to provide as far as content on the page apart from listing photos etc. What kind of information would you find most valuable? Thanks again! Chris
Wanted: New Owner
Thanks to everyone that has liked my page! Mucho Appreciado!