CrossFit Stevens Point
CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program that improves every element of fitness through constantly varied, functional movements, executed at a high intensity.
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CFSP loves our #LEO members. Thanks to Plover PD for supporting us as well as SPPD and PC Sheriffs Dept for all that you do. 💙💙
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#internationalwomensday #girlpower #strongaf Thursday Sit up Cindy AMRAP 20 5 Pull Up 10 Push Up 15 Air Squat 20 sit up
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#weightswednesday For time: 50/40 cal row 50 deadlifts 50 hang power clean 50 push jerks 50/40 cal row Rx: 155/105 #whoa #cfsp #crossfit
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Time for another #joeymeme Tuesday 7 Rounds for Time 30 DU 10 Burpees #conditioning #crossfit #cfsp
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#nevermissamonday #cfsp #crossfitopen #crossfit #crossfitgamesopen Partner WOD AMREP 18 3:00 Shuttle Run (100 ft) Rest :30 3:00 Back Squat (185/125) Rest :30 3:00 Shuttle Run Rest :30 3:00 Front Squat (155/105) Rest :30 3:00 Shuttle Run Rest :30 3:00 OHS (115/75)
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#bringafriendday #cfsp #cf Partner WOD 5:00 push press 75/55# 5:00 box jump 24/20 5:00 air squats 5:00 bike 1:00 rest in between Score is total reps
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#crossfitgamesopen #crossfitopen #cfsp #crossfit Wednesday 10 min AMREP Kettlebell swings 5-10-15-20-25-30...... * 1 rope climb between each round As far as possible in 10 min
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#crossfitopen #cfsp Tuesday WOD 5 rounds: 5 Hang clean and jerk 7 pull ups Rest 2:00 5 rounds: 5 hang clean thruster 7 burpee pull ups Rx: 135/95 L2: chest to bar and 10 reps of pull ups **score is total time..subtract the 2:00 rest
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#communityaf #cfsp #lovegonebad #charity Monday: Hey dudes, Here's tomorrows work.. WOD for time.. 50 cal row 50 medball cleans #20/14 50 medball sit ups 50 medball thrusters 50 double unders 50 wallball
Love Gone Bad '17
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#intheopen #crossfit @crossfitgames
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#17.1 We will learn dumbbell snatches tomorrow.