LIV UP CrossFit
LIV UP Crossfit in Plantation is a fitness community dedicated to providing the ultimate Crossfit experience.
LIV UP Crossfit in Plantation is a fitness community dedicated to providing the ultimate Crossfit experience.
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facebook.comOh heyyyyyyy look at her with her first pull up. Now to perfect the swing !!!! Great job #box mom #bebetter #livupcrossfit
#bebetter #livupcrossfit #plantation #sunrise #befit #fitfamily #crossiftlife
We start together and we finish together!!! Tawonna not only signed up and completed her first ever crossfit open but she has also joined our liv up family after the #betteryou2018 6 week challenge. Despite long work hours and a far drive home, she always finds a way to come in with a smile and ready to work attitude. #bebetter #livupcrossfit #crossfit #plantation #crossfitinplantation #sunrise #davie
And just like that the 2018 crossfit open is over. We would like to thank all of our fantastic members who participated and helped us with judging all the athletes. Till next year #bebetter #livupcrossfit
Always keep the “I GET” to mindset. Everyday you GET to workout , you GET to eat healthy and you GET an opportunity to #bebetter. Once you commit, everyday is gets easier. #livupcrossfit #plantation #sunrise #ftlauderdale #plantationcrossfit #healthymindset #theigettomindset
Training and nutrition are very important but we cannot neglect the importance of recovery. Using tools like @uballnet really can apply force to areas that work the most. Thank you uball for helping us #bebetter everyday
Today’s workout : Strength back squats 5 x 5 @ 80% Wod: A. 30 dB thrusters 50/35 30 pull ups 30 dB hang cleans 30 toes to bar 10min cap Then B. 5-10-30 rowing burpees dubs 10-10-30 cal rowing burpees dubs 15-10-30 cal rower burpees dubs
Now that’s a chest to bar pull up @blakeanthonyhouser during 18.5 #bebetter #livupcrossfit #intheopen #crossfit #crossfitopen
Best mobility tool we have ever used with our members!!! If you own or run a fitness business you need to get your hands on the Uball
Wild hair don’t care @pper624 jumping to the finish line #bebetter #livupcrossfit #intheopen
Taking quick breather before knocking out those pull ups #livupcrossfit #bebetter @thebestjenn 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💥💥🔥