Chase Oaks Church
A place where you can come as you are, be transformed and make a difference. To create environments where people can come to God as they are, be transformed, and make a difference through local and global partnerships
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facebook.comLiving in an affluent community can make it easy for us to forget about the issues of homelessness and poverty that plague our community. At Chase Oaks Church, we have a ministry where a group of people come alongside one person, one family, at a time to help eradicate poverty within our community. To find out more about Open Table, read our blog: #ChaseOaks #OpenTable #Poverty #Homelessness
Financial Peace University - Register Today! Join us at the Legacy Campus for our Financial Peace University (FPU), taught by Dave Ramsey. FPU will give you Biblically-based principles and critical tools to help you save, dump debt, create a financial plan and avoid financial mistakes. Join others for this seven-week course to discover hope and practical help in how to approach budgets, insurance, investments, and debt. Register online:
At the end of our lives, we want to look back and see a life filled with meaning and purpose rather than regret. To find fulfillment and satisfaction in life, we need to take the time to invest in relationships with the people that matter the most to us and the people we want to impact. At the end of his life, Solomon understood the value of building relationships over building wealth. Join us this week as we learn about what it means to be intentional and to find fulfillment in our relationships. #ChaseOaks #EnjoyResponsibly
Short-Term Mission Trip, Jamaica (Adults): June 17-23, 2018. Join us in Montego Bay, Jamaica, and help make a difference! Details online:
Are you or a loved one going through a divorce? Have you already experienced a divorce but are still struggling with the pain and hurt? The good news is you do not have to face divorce alone! To find support when facing divorce, read our newest blog: #ChaseOaks #Divorce #DivorceCare
Join us for DivorceCare - Spring 2018, at our Legacy Campus. DivorceCare is a 13-week class to help those going through the pain of divorce or separation. Participants watch a DVD lesson and have discussions led by a trained facilitator. Workbook is provided in the cost of the registration and childcare is available. Register online:
Enjoy Responsibly - The Ugly Beautiful "Sometimes in life, we have one of these defining moment times where we realize that there must be more to life than what we are living for.” If you missed this weekend's message, catch it here:
Enjoy Responsibly: A Study in Ecclesiastes Our world and our lives are filled with both beauty and ugliness, purpose and insignificance. We search for meaning and lasting fulfillment, which often leads to frustration and cynicism. Knowing how to navigate our world and lives can be tricky. Ecclesiastes shows us how to avoid pitfalls, lead a life of meaning, and enjoy the journey along the way. Join us for this six-week sermon series as we examine what it means to live life to the fullest. Dilly Dilly!
Generosity is not something God wants from us but for us. Our Annual Report celebrates the life-change and the impact that the generosity of so many Chase Oakers has made over this last year. View and download online:
This week, our nation has endured another tragedy as we mourn with our brothers and sisters in Florida. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find God in these tragic moments. But no matter what tragedies or difficult circumstances we face, we can always trust God to guide us and to be there for us. To find inspiration and encouragement during this difficult time, read our newest blog: #ChaseOaks #PickOne #TrustGod
Established Spring Groups, Register Today! New to Chase Oaks? Check out Established. See campus details and register online:
We spend our lives chasing success in our careers, in our marriages, and in our spiritual lives. Oftentimes, even when we find success, we still feel like something is missing—that there has to be more to this life. Although Solomon had extraordinary wealth, wisdom, and power, he struggled to find meaning in his successes, too. Join us this week as we learn the key to finding meaning and purpose in our lives. #ChaseOaks #EnjoyResponsibly