Clark High School PTSA
Clark High School PTSA - Clark High School, Plano, Texas
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facebook.comReminder - Coffee with the Principal - Monday, March 26th at 9:00 the Clark library - sponsored by the Clark PTSA. Ms. Williams, the Clark principal, has invited Dr. Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH, to join us for the coffee. Dr. Hughes is an Assistant Professor and Licensed Psychologist at the UT Southwestern Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care (CDRC). Dr. Hughes's focus for the coffee will be "Depression and Anxiety in Youth: Strategies for Parents.” She will review research on youth depression and anxiety rates and causes; review signs/symptoms of youth depression and anxiety; provide useful tips for parents to support a child who is showing signs of depression or anxiety; and introduce the Youth Aware of Mental Health program, being delivered in health classes at Clark. Dr. Hughes will speak for an hour and then will be available to answer your questions. After Dr. Hughes' presentation, Ms. Williams will be available until 11:00 a.m. to continue the discussion.
Your Clark HS PTSA needs your help to slate the new PTSA Board for the school year 2018 - 2019. INTERESTED? Want to get involved? Go to to get more details or contact Edilia Bern at Open Positions for the year 2018 - 2019 Executive Board: 2nd VP Volunteers Treasurer Parliamentarian PTA Committees positions OPEN: Council Delegate Environmental Chair Cougar Chow
Monday, March 26th at 9:00 the Clark library - sponsored by the Clark PTSA. Ms. Williams, the Clark principal, has invited Dr. Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH, to join us for the coffee. Dr. Hughes is an Assistant Professor and Licensed Psychologist at the UT Southwestern Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care (CDRC). Dr. Hughes's focus for the coffee will be "Depression and Anxiety in Youth: Strategies for Parents.” She will review research on youth depression and anxiety rates and causes; review signs/symptoms of youth depression and anxiety; provide useful tips for parents to support a child who is showing signs of depression or anxiety; and introduce the Youth Aware of Mental Health program, being delivered in health classes at Clark. Dr. Hughes will speak for an hour and then will be available to answer your questions. After Dr. Hughes' presentation, Ms. Williams will be available until 11:00 a.m. to continue the discussion.
Your Clark HS PTSA needs your help to slate the new PTSA Board for the school year 2018 - 2019. INTERESTED? Want to get involved? Go to to get more details or contact Edilia Bern at Open Positions for the year 2018 - 2019 Executive Board: 2nd VP Volunteers Treasurer Parliamentarian PTA Committees positions OPEN: Council Delegate Environmental Chair Cougar Chow
VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!! Italian Luncheon for Teachers & Staff - Friday, March 9th! Help your Clark PTSA Hospitality Team make this event possible. Sign Up to Donate Items or Volunteer at
VOLUNTEERS & DONATIONS NEEDED! Italian Luncheon for Teachers & Staff - Friday, March 9th! Help your Clark PTSA Hospitality Team make this event possible. Sign Up to Donate Items or Volunteer at
Italian Luncheon for Teachers & Staff - Friday, March 9th! Help your Clark PTSA Hospitality Team make this event possible. Sign Up to Donate Items or Volunteer at
Congratulations to our Lady Wildcats - 6A State Basketball Champs!
Hello Clark Families! Here is the link to today's edition of Clark eChronicle (school newsletter). Of note... today is the last day to order a yearbook!
Volunteers Still Needed! Friday, February 2nd, your CHS PTSA will host a “Super Bowl Luncheon" for our Teachers and Staff. Please help us to make this possible and consider signing up for DONATIONS or to VOLUNTEER. Go to
Hello Awesome CHS Parents! Friday, February 2nd, your CHS PTSA will host a “Super Bowl Luncheon" for our Teachers and Staff. We will serve Appetizer-type food. Please help us to make this possible and consider signing up for DONATIONS. Select the following link, then login into your account Select "Hospitality - Super Bowl Appetizer Luncheon (Feb. 2nd)" Then select your donations. Thank You! We could not make this happen without your help! Clark HS PTSA Hospitality Committee
Attention Parents of 8th & 10th Graders! CALLING ALL CATS is this Wednesday, 1/24 from 6-8pm at PSHS