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Town of Plaistow, New Hampshire

145 Main St, Plaistow, United States
Government Organization




ATTENTION: Westville Road Replacement & Realignment Project: At this evening's Board of Selectmen meeting (1/23/2017) representatives from Hoyle & Tanner Associates, the Town's Engineering Consulting Firm, will be meeting with the Board and members of the public to discuss the future replacement and realignment project for the Westville Road bridge. The group will discuss the work completed to date, roadway design status, bridge design status, proposed traffic management plan, and will be able to answer questions from the Board and Public. If you are interested in learning about the project, or have any questions or concerns, please join the Board 6:30PM this evening.

ATTENTION: Plaistow recycling weeks are changing. It will continue to be every other week as follows: The week of Dec. 4 - 10 is a recycling week. The week of Dec. 11 - 17 is Not a recycling week. The week of Dec. 18 - 24 is a recycling week. The week of Dec. 25 - 7 is Not a recycling week Please remember you no longer need to sort plastic and paper as we have gone to single stream recycling. (No plastic grocery bags) Please call the Health Office with any questions at (603)382-5200 Extension 246

ATTENTION: BASKETBALL REGISTRATIONS ARE STILL OPEN The Recreation Department still has openings for our Recreational Basketball League for grades 1-8. Instructional Basketball for grade 1 & 2 meet 1x weekly for skills and drills with scrimmages. Cost is $25.00 Grades 3: Practice 1x per week with games on Saturdays held at the YMCA. Grades 4-8 Practice 1x per week with games on Sundays held at either TRMS/TRHS. Cost for grades 3-8 is $50.00 As always, this league relies solely on volunteer coaches, please if you have an interest in building the passion of basketball for our youth contact Recreation at 382-5200 ext 204.

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TEST YOUR WELL WATER: Plaistow is one of two communities in New Hampshire that relies solely on aquifers to obtain potable water (drinking water). Unhealthy levels of various contaminants are common in New Hampshire's groundwater. In order to protect residents, the Town's public officials and departments are actively working with New Hampshire's Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to provide residents with the means to test their private wells for possible contaminants that can be a risk to public health and safety. If you or your family members need help with water testing, have concerns about your private well, or simply need more information about your drinking water, please join us at 6:30PM on Thursday, November 3rd at Town Hall to meet with public officials and staff from the NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau and receive a Free Test Kit! The Water Test Kits are available to Town residents at no cost and the standard test package through NHDES is available for a fee of $85.00. The standard package for testing your well water will provide information for a range of the most common groundwater contaminants. Town Staff and volunteers will transport the first 75 water samples to the State Public Health Laboratory. Please visit the NHDES Drinking Water Bureau at: Or the Town of Plaistow's Environmental Information page at:

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Drought Economic Impact Survey- Please participate if your well has been impacted by the drought. | Town of Plaistow NH

ATTENTION: Drought Economic Impact Survey- Please participate if your well has been impacted by the drought. As part of the state's emergency response efforts to the drought, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is gathering information related to private well water availability and drought related economic impacts. The information requested in the below survey will assist the state in identifying the location and severity of drought impacts for assessing drought response needs.

ATTENTION: Plaistow Community Development Staff, Planning Board, and Town Consultants (Hoyle, Tanner & Associates) are pleased to inform residents of the completion of the Feasibility Study for the Main Street Safe Routes to School (SRTS) at Pollard Elementary project! It is anticipated that NHDOT's formal review of this study will require between 2-4 weeks, at which time the Town anticipates moving forward with Preliminary Engineering Design upon receipt of the Town's Notice to Proceed (NTP). To view the project's Feasibility Study, and associated documents, please visit the Town website and navigate to the Planning Department landing page.

ATTENTION: The Boy Scouts will be performing a Fall Cleanup at the Plaistow Town Forest on Sunday morning, October 2nd. The cleanup event will occur between 8:00AM and 12:00PM. We encourage anyone interested in participating with this effort to meet the Scouts at the Town Forest trail head at 8:00AM! We’ll be picking up trash in the parking lot, removing debris from the trails, and helping to cut-back plant growth from the trail network where needed.

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NOTICE* Household Hazardous Waste Day: Sat. Oct. 29, 2016 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m Chester Transfer Station 50 Dump Road, Chester Proof of Residency Will Be Required For more information visit:

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Outside Burning Suspension | Town of Plaistow NH

NOTICE* The Plaistow Fire Department has announced that due to the extreme drought conditions, effective immediately ALL outside burning including season permits is suspended until further notice. Due to these conditions, any illegal burning, regardless of type or location or weather conditions, will be subject to Fire Department service costs in addition to fines allowed by the State Forestry Regulations. See below for further information:

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Water Conservation - Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau - NH Department of Environmental Services

UPDATE: At the Town of Plaistow's August 29, 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting, the Board voted unanimously to support a Voluntary Water Restriction throughout the community in order to protect Plaistow's invaluable aquifer systems. The Board hopes that residents will adhere to the following recommendations that will help to impede impacts associated with the current drought: 1) Spread out the timing of water use so that multiple water uses do not co-occur and so proximate wells have time to replenish. 2) Cut-out non-essential uses such as outdoor water use for lawn watering and car washing; especially during rain events. 3) Conserve water by cutting back on shower times and only doing full loads of laundry if necessary.
