The Petit Family Foundation
The Petit Family Foundation is a 501c3 organization that memorializes Jennifer, Hayley & Michaela Petit while working to "Be The Change" in our community. The Petit Family Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt, non-profit organization. Any financial support donated will assist the foundation in fulfilling its mission. With your help we can promote opportunity for young women, continue the fight against chronic illness and extend a blanket of comfort for others affected by violence. A change for the better does not just happen. We need each and every one of you to help fulfill our mission; you will all help to be the changes that JENNIFER, HAYLEY, and MICHAELA wanted to see in the world.
~The Petit Family Foundation Mission Statement~
The Petit Family Foundation honors the memories of Jennifer-Hawke Petit, Hayley Elizabeth Petit and Michaela Rose Petit by continuing the kindness, idealism and activism that defined their lives.
The foundation funds are given to foster the education of young people, especially women in the sciences; to improve the lives of those affected by chronic illness; and to support the efforts to help and protect those affected by violence.
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