FUMC Plainview
FUMC Plainview exists to connect people together in service and love and equip them to disciple others and further the Kingdom of God. Come and join us!
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facebook.comIt's never too late to join us! Come to FUMC Plainview tonight at 5:30 as we continue our adventure!
LET DAY ONE BEGIN. JOIN US! Come learn about Jesus, the light of the world! We'll get to explore this at the Deep Bible Study, Imagination Station, and KidVid cinema stations as well as the Spelunkers Sports & Games (there will be snacks at the Cavern Café!!) It's never too late to sign up! We will be at the F.U.M.C. Cross & Flame, right across the street from the main building (601 Houston.) We can't wait to see you guys!!
Thank you, McCoy's Building Supply, for being so helpful in providing supplies for our VBS! And a special thank you to Jessica for putting up with our children's ministry director, Dakota Lance Crawford! You guys are awesome! Don't forget to sign up on the website or by contacting Dakota and join us THIS COMING MONDAY for an awesome adventure in discovering Jesus, the light of the world! vbspro.events/p/fumcplv dakotalc31@gmail.com 806-729-0058
V.B.S. is slowly but surely coming together! You DON'T want to miss this. Sign up and register online by following the link below or by clicking the "Sign Up" button at the top of our page, or contact our Children's Ministry Director, Dakota Crawford, and he will get you set up! We will get started on July 17th, at 5:00 P.M. Website: vbspro.events/p/fumcplv Email: dakotalc31@gmail.com Phone: (806) 729-0058
On our way for our first day of hard work. Please continue to pray for these students. I ask that you pray by name please. (Dalazia, Joy, Liv, Brittany, Jaclyn, Zayvin, Emma, Tiffany, Miranda, Paige, Cynthia, Phenixx) please and thank you. #un1testudentministry
Videos from the drive so far. Thanks to all for the prayers. We're stopped now for gas and a bathroom break. #un1testudents.
#un1te students had so much fun tonight. Glad to be back into the swing of things.
Summers are slow, schedules are busy, so the crowd at children's church this evening was light. So, we decided to make brownies and have ice cream, and play kickball and draw with chalk. Good times. Join us on Wednesdays, from 4:30 P.M. -6:00 P.M. as we discover who God is and what a relationship with Him means for us (and for some awesome snacks and fun games.) - Dakota Crawford