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U.S. Taekwondo - Pittsfield

457 Dalton Ave, Pittsfield, United States
Martial Arts School



Taekwondo program for all experience levels!
-Ages 3 and up.  
Before/After School Programs and Summer Camp!
-Ages 5 to 13. Taekwondo program for all experience levels!
-Ages 3 and up.  
Before/After School Programs and Summer Camp!
-Ages 5 to 13.


Taekwondo Classes are still on as scheduled! Demo Team students, we will practice your breaking and review the forms for today’s class.

Good morning, US Taekwondo will not be open for the Full-Day Child Care Program today: Thursday, March 8, 2018. Evening Taekwondo classes are to be determined, stay tuned! -US Taekwondo

Good evening, If the schools are closed tomorrow due to the snow storm, the Full-Day Program will not be open as well. Evening Taekwondo students, we will keep you updated tomorrow. -US Taekwondo

January 17th - We are open for the Full-Day Program, due to school closings, but Transportation will not be offered this morning or afternoon. Please be careful on the road and drive safely! Taekwondo classes will be updated at a later time today, depending on the weather of the storm. Thank you!

Friday, December 5th - We are open today for the Full-Day Program. With the weather being extremely cold today, please bring your child only on an emergency basis! No transportation will be offered today as well. For our evening Taekwondo classes, stay tuned! -US Taekwondo

Thursday, January 4th - Evening classes have been cancelled due to the weather condition. Please call Master Son at (413) 499-7800 if you need more information. -US Taekwondo

Thursday, January 4th - We are open for the Full-Day Program, but transportation for pick ups and drop offs are unavailable. Please be advised, early dismissal of the program is a possibility because of safety concerns due to the weather. For our Taekwondo Classes this evening, we will keep you posted, stay tuned! -US Taekwondo

Today’s Picture Day has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for late January. Spread the word if possible!

Parents/Guardians, Just a reminder that our Halloween Party is TOMORROW!! It is not too late to register for the party. We would love to have adult volunteers for the party! If any parents would like to help set up for the Halloween Party, please come in during your child's class time and help set up! Any support during the party or before would be greatly appreciated! -US Taekwondo

OUR ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY IS COMING UP ON: Friday, October 27th at 5:00PM - 10:00PM All participants must be 3 years old or older and must have a costume to wear! Something other than our Taekwondo uniform would be ideal 😂 Pizza, chips, juice, and water will be served at this Halloween Party! Any volunteers, please contact Master Son for more information, Single Participant - $30.00 Sibling Participants - $25.00 each sibling Bring a Friend OUTSIDE of TKD - $20.00 each participant
