First Baptist Church Pineville
First Baptist Church is located at 901 Main Street, Pineville, Louisiana. Check us out at
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Youth Praise Band leading in special music today. Great job, guys!
First at First Business Leader Luncheon
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The JoyClub is enjoying Bellingrath Garden and Home today. (They toured the USS Alabama yesterday but there is no photo because of the heavy rains.)
Enrich your prayer life through last Sunday's message, "Prayer Matters" from Ephesians 6:18-20 by following the link below. Join us this Sunday as we begin a new series on Malachi entitled "Passion for God".
Children's Choir
Girls ensemble.
What life are your waiting for? -- Join us at First@First on June 5
What life are you waiting for? -- Join us at First@First on June 5
We hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. You can listen to yesterday's message by Pastor Stewart and Rebecca at the link -
Photos from First Baptist Church Pineville's post
A little glimpse at what's happening with the renovations. Stained glass is being repaired, and we're getting ready for the restroom additions.
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Hey First Baptist, show us your VBS sign. #FBCPVBS17