Pflugerville First United Methodist Church
Our Foundational Beliefs
We believe in the rich diversity of God’s people as reflected in the multitude of ways we experience, interpret and speak of…
GOD as Creator; the great I Am; Abba; healer, helper, provider, comforter, leader, shepherd, sustainer, the present One; the source of love, grace, mercy, and peace; the One who knows us and cares for us; steadfast; faithful, reliable, compassionate and strong; our rock and our salvation; and much more.
JESUS CHRIST as the Bread of Life; Light of the World; Son of God; Lamb of God; the Risen One; teacher, prophet, leader and example; Lord and friend; savior and redeemer; the Word that is God, with God and that dwelt among us in the flesh; God’s gift to us; hope, love and mercy embodied; and much more.
CHURCH as the people of God; a universal spiritual family united in love through the Holy Spirit, sharing the ups and downs of life together in mutual care and concern; a home open to all; a sanctuary; a foundation; a community of Christ-followers seeking God, living, working, praying and worshipping together; the Body of Christ supporting one another, learning together, reaching out to the world in witness and service as Christ’s representatives; a community of peace, striving for justice; and much more.
LIFE as a God-breathed gift, blessing, abundance, eternal and paradoxical; subject to sin and death, yet set free in Christ; a spring of water, a fountain, a river; something old and something new; Spirit; and much more.
We believe in the value of an on-going dialogue with God and one another about faith and life that is open, passionate, affirming and questioning, while, at the same time, we seek to live faithfully and fully.
Tell your friends
facebook.comHurricane Harvey is coming! How can I help? First off, pray for those who are impacted by the hurricane, and pray for the first responders who will be onsite to help. The very best thing you can do along with prayer is to donate to the Rio Texas Conference Disaster Relief Fund. Make your checks payable to FUMC Pflugerville and note in the memo line that the donation goes to RTDRF. You also can donate online at Click the donate button and be sure to select Rio Texas Disaster. Please continue to check the church website, and the church Facebook site for more information. If the need arises, the Pflugerville Police Department will be using the FLC as a shelter. Please stay safe and pray for those affected.
Thursday Night Praise Gathering August 24th Fellowship at 6:30 PM Gathering at 7:00 PM This week Joel Roehling will lead the Gathering and John Wester will bring the message, “Embrace Love”. John’s scripture references are Matthew 5:44 and Mathew 22:36-40.
Don't forget to bring your backpack to be blessed during service on Sunday! Also, donate to a PISD child in need.
Reminder!! For Fusion this Sunday we will be having a Back to School Bash! Come join us for some food, fun, and games as we celebrate another wonderful summer coming to a close. HS and MS, bring yourself and a friend to share the experience with. Adults, anyone who is available to help, feel free to email me at or Or call/text (210) 744-6850. Hope to see everyone there!
First United Methodist Church – Pflugerville invites you to a prayer service for peace and unity in response to the recent expressions of racism and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. We will meet on Tuesday, August 15th at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary at 500 E. Pecan Street. We will focus on peace and on loving our neighbor. This will not be about politics and dividing, we will simply join in prayer that lifts and builds people up regardless of barriers that humans tend to create. God is about breaking down barriers and eliminating separation, hate and racism. Feel free to share this invitation with anyone. Peace, Pastor Wade
Congratulations Doet Allen on your new citizenship! The Issues Small Group was happy to celebrate with you today!
August 20th bring your backpacks to be blessed for a new school year! Also, school supplies to be donated to PISD will be accepted.
This Sunday!
New Dinners of 8 !!! Our church is starting several Dinners of 8 small groups beginning August 15. • Join a new small group of 8 for dinner and discussion. • Adult singles and couples are welcome. • Some of the group you won’t know well. • Meet together monthly for 4 months. • Group decides when is best for all members. • Group decides to meet in homes, restaurants, or church. • Group spends time each month getting to know each other. • Questions provided to help you have a deeper discussion. Please fill out this form and drop it in the offering basket. We will contact you. You may also sign up by emailing me at, calling or texting me at 512 944-7840. Dortha and Donn German Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Text _________________________________
Worship today at 9am in the sanctuary and 11:15am in the Family Life Center. It's Communion Sunday!
Thank you to everyone who helped & came out to the church picnic & pastor Blaster after church today! It was a blast!