Fleet and Family Support Center, Naval Air Station Pensacola
Welcome to the Fleet & Family Support Center at NAS Pensacola Florida! Welcome to the Fleet and Family Support Center NAS Pensacola Fan Page operated by the Fleet and Famliy Support Center Staff.
This page is intended to provide updated information on Fleet and Family Support Center Pensacola events and topics affecting Navy families.
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facebook.comTAP October Job Fair
Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members
Federal Employment for the Military Spouse
The Adventures of Jerry and Krista
Krista decided to paint at the Kids Kraft Corner playgroup put on by the New Parent Support Team.
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Call 452-5609 or 452-5990 to attend a class..
Center for Information Warfare Training
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Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members is a nationwide initiative that remembers and celebrates the lives of fallen service members. A local ceremony will be conducted on 22 September at 1100 at the Naval Aviation Museum on board NAS Pensacola. FFSC is asking all Gold Star Survivors to participate in this event and is actively soliciting names of those in the local area whose survivors wish them to be recognized during the ceremony. Anyone whose family member died while on active duty is asked to contact Ms. Kathy Sims at 850-452-4277 or Kathy.sims@navy.mil.
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Happy Monday!
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Whether you are a new military spouse or new to the Pensacola Area, join us next Friday, August 19, for a New Spouse & Newcomer Orientation! Call to RSVP at 452-5609.
Photos from Fleet and Family Support Center, NAS Pensacola's post
Special Thanks to the Marines from AMS1, who help the FFSC get ready for the upcoming rain by hauling sandbags.
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Don't forget about EFMP Coffee Hour at the Navy Lodge today at 0900! Nothing better than a nice hot cup of coffee (or hot cocoa) on a dreary day like this...☕️☕️☕️ There will be fun crafts for the kids, so come on down & relax with us over a cup or two!
The Adventures of Jerry and Krista
Jerry stopped by the SAPR meet and greet and met LT Hugel with Victim Legal Council.