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Roland, Inc. School of Real Estate

8443 Pensacola Blvd., Pensacola, United States



Seeking a career change? Need to continue your real estate education? Just want to understand more about the real estate industry? Roland, Inc. School of Real Estate is Florida's go-to real estate school since 1983. Online and classroom options available! State-Required Pre-Licensing Real Estate Sales Associate Courses always being taught in a classroom setting.  (On-line courses available 24/7 at  Broker Courses available in-class and online.  Post-licence courses available.  Call (850) 748-6200 for information.


Free Career Night to have your questions answered! RSVP

Free Career Night to have your questions answered! RSVP

Florida Real EstateSales Associate Pre-License Course

Florida Real EstateSales Associate Pre-License Course

5-Wk Evening License Class begins 4/10. Classes M, T, Th 6-10 pm

5-Wk Evening License Class begins 4/10. Classes M, T, Th 6-10 pm

A FREE Real Estate Career Night will be held Tuesday, April 4, from 6-8 pm to answer questions about getting into a career in real estate--requirements, education and training, and costs at Roland, Inc. School of Real Estate, 8443 Pensacola Blvd. (Hwy 29 just one mile north of Interstate 10 off Exit 10-B), Pensacola. RSVP (850) 748-6200

In-class 45-Hour Post-License Course for Sales Associates will meet March 8, 9, 10 (Wed., Thur., Fri.) and 16, and 17 (Thur., and Fri.) from 8 am to 5 pm. The end-of-course exam will be on Friday afternoon. Call for details: (850) 748-6200.

Our next evening Pre-License Class for Sales Associates begins Feb. 20, with classes meeting on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings from 6-10 pm. The end-of-course exam is scheduled for April 3rd at 6 pm. For further details contact us at

Florida Real Estate Pre-License Class

Classes begin Feb. 20, with classes meeting M, T, Th evenings from 6-10 pm. The end-of-course exam is scheduled for Monday, April 3.

Florida Real Estate Pre-License Class

Real estate career night.

Deciding about a new career? We'll answer questions about qualifications to get into real estate, education and cost requirements to get licensed, training after becoming licensed, type of work done, income from a real estate career, and how to choose a broker to work for. You'll like it!

Real estate career night.

Florida 63-Hr. Real Estate Sales Associate Pre-License Course

IN-CLASS INSTRUCTION! EVENING classes meet on Mon., Tue. and Thur. evenings from 6-10 pm for five weeks. End-of-course exam will be Mon., Feb. 13th. A DAYTIME course will meet the two weeks of Jan. 16-29 and Jan. 30-Feb. 3, meeting each day from 8 am to 2 pm with the end-of-course on Mon. Feb. 13th.

Florida 63-Hr. Real Estate Sales Associate Pre-License Course

Sales Associate's 45-Hour Post-License Class

Classes meet March 8, 9, 10 , 16 & 17 from 8 am to 5 pm

Sales Associate's 45-Hour Post-License Class


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