Unity of Pensacola (Unity Church)
Unity of Pensacola is a member in good standing with UNITY WORLDWIDE MINISTRIES and is dedicated to teaching the life-changing principles as taught by Jesus The Christ our Way-shower and elder brother. We are love in expression. Are you looking for a place to discover the wonder and beauty of all that you are and can be? Do you feel a connection to Spirituality, but not necessarily Religion?
Unity of Pensacola is a spiritual commUNITY that focuses on the love of all that God is. We believe that life is meant to be a joyful experience and that we will see our lives shift and change when we begin to shift and change within ourselves.
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10AM for a service filled with great music, inspirational / motivational messages of hope and transformation that will empower you to be the best you can be in this life when you practice the principles presented. We consider ourselves to be culturally Christian, but spiritually unlimited. For more information visit our website at www.unitypns.org
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facebook.comFear or LOVE - We get to choose! This video is amazing!
Rev. Jamie and the Staff at Unity of Pensacola are seeking the right and perfect spiritual individuals to serve our community through SACRED SERVICE. Sacred Service is the art and practice of giving and receiving to your spiritual commUnity by giving of your time, treasure and talent; AS WE GIVE - SO SHALL WE RECEIVE! We are seeking and manifesting the following: 1. Sacred Service Coordinator team. This leadership position requires communication both verbal and digital with team leaders to ensure they are supported and appreciated. This person(s) work closely with Rev. Jamie and our Administrator. Time requirement - approx. 1 hour per week. 2. Sunday Service Prodution team: This new position(s) would consist of being fully present to the flow of our Sunday morning service. To communicate with our sound team during the service of sound levels, etc. Meeting with our team before service to review order of service and to confirm with Sound Tech all video levels, etc. and to work closely with guest speakers and Rev. Jamie through eye contact and understanding our intention of creating sacred space during our events. This position would require 1.5 hours per week and would be rotated according to team size. 3. Rev. Jamie's Sunday Liason Team: This position would require a small rotating team to assist Rev. Jamie after service in greeting individuals either at the Information Table or in his office following service. The individual would remind those wanting more time that an appointment can be made during the week and would direct them on how to contact the office to schedule more one on one time. The intention is to ensure everyone is greeted and acknowledged. This would require approx. 15 min. following our service. If you are interested in serving in one of these positions - please contact Rev. Jamie or Twana Hall by calling the office at 850-438-2277. Our office hours are - Tues. - Thurs 8:30 am - 3:30 PM or see us Sunday after service.
We tried to Facebook LIVE today but had technical issues with this. Please click on the link to hear the song. https://www.facebook.com/sharonahenderson/videos/10212466798164214/
Stowegood live today sharing love and Truth... and our new theme song "Feels Like Home."
Join us this Sunday for the premier of our new church theme song written and performed by Stowegood!
We have a very special treat for you Sunday, March 5: Stowe Dailey and Karen Berke Taylor-Good of Stowegood will be our featured speakers and musical guest! And, its EXTRA SPECIAL and near and dear to our hearts because they will premiere LIVE "Feels Like Home," a special song commissioned for Unity of Pensacola (Unity Church) and professionally recorded by the duo in Nashville, Tennessee. Stowe and Karen are award-winning singer-songwriters, authors, and professional speakers who travel the globe offering hope and inspiration to all. It ALL STARTS at 10am, Sunday, March 5. Be there!
NOTE: Schedule Change. No class February 16. Vision Board class will be February 23. The final installment of our FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS OF PROSPERITY class on Thursday, February 23 will focus on creating your personal Vision Board. SUPPLIES TO BRING: * Poster Boards/Foam Board - Any size you prefer. Foam board is sturdy and can be purchased at hobby stores like Michaels. * Magazines/Catalogs - We have a supply at the church. However, you may have very specific goals in mind and you may want to bring magazines that reflect your intentions. * Glue - Preferably a glue stick as it dries faster and is less messy than liquid. No spray glue please. * Scissors - Any kind you want. Fancy or plain. Just transport them safely. * Other - Anything related to scrapbooking (printed papers, stickers, markers, etc.) you like to "bling" your board. There are many ways to create a Vision Board. We will guide you, but feel free to use your inner guidance on what works for you. We've shown a few examples here, but feel free to be creative! ===> This class is offered on a love offering basis.
Metaphysical Spirituality!
Please remember to bring your old magazines and catalogs for our collection. Our Vision Board class will put them to good use! Collection boxes are upstairs in the sanctuary and downstairs in Fellowship Hall.
@unity of Pensacola
We are collecting magazines, catalogs and brochures for our Vision Board workshop (part of our Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity class). Images of homes, cars, luxury items such as watches and jewelry, vacations, gardens, spiritual references, clothing and accessories, careers, and more--all perfect for our use. Please bring magazines to the church or see Chip Henderson for more details.