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E3 Gym

6294 Skyway, Paradise, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



A strength and conditioning gym, focused on functional movement. We are about comradery and positive energy!  Come join our fitfam! The name of my gym is E3, stands for Endure . Excel . Evolve.  These are the words I use to describe the transformation that happens when you take control of your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Something very powerful and magical happens to us, both inside and outside, when we become tenacious in our desires to become strong.

We like to believe that getting our bodies to do the work is the hard part.  It isn't.  It's our minds.  Train it to get here, every single class.  Train your mind to tell your body it CAN.  To tell your body, "Nope, you're not done yet."...and watch what happens.  Your body will rise to the occasion.

E3 is a strength and conditioning gym.  We focus on calisthenics, kettlebell movements, plyometrics, weight lifting, endurance, and overall functional training.  

The workouts are not easy.  Don't show up expecting another hour of 'just getting it done' fitness.  We train with purpose, intensity, and encouraging fun. E3 is about family, about camaraderie, about loving and uplifting your crew when they are tired and want to quit.  Encouraging each other to ENDURE and EXCEL so we may EVOLVE.

So come try out a class and see if you LOVE it.  Hope to see you soon!
