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The Tuolumne River flows all the way to France! This just in: Midpen producer Leah Rogers' film Tuolumne to All of You was highlighted in a newsletter published in France last month. The topic was about seizing one's dreams in midlife. The article that Katie Rentzke wrote for our blog was also highlighted. Acting locally can have global repercussions. We learn by doing and we change by being true to ourselves. Way to represent, Leah! Tuolumne River Trust #FulfillingYourDreams #TuolumneRiver
Web Videos We Like | MidPen Media Center
Check out 3 new videos we found on the web. One features a heroic pediatrician who devotes half of her time to policy and addressing inequities as profiled on DiverseCity; one features the Teen Arts Council, a Palo Alto youth group promoting young artists; and a third profiles At The Crossroads, an org called that supports homeless youths.
'Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine' - CNN Video
MC producer Daniel Kottke is featured in Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine-- yet another look at the late founder/guru of Apple Computers! which was in theaters last year. It premiered last Sunday on CNN but encores tonight at 9. We hate to send you to another channel, but Dan, Steve's BFF in college, is featured in the film. Why not start your evening watching West Coast Songwriters live on Channel 75 at 7:30 right off our website or on TV, then roll over to CNN to see Dan? #DanKottke #SteveJobs #AppleComputer
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The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation has awarded a $40,000 grant to the Midpen Media Center to support our Youth Sports Broadcasting and Career Horizons Project. The project was a summer program for the past two years and enabled us to train youths to operate a professional mobile studio and production truck to televise youth sports events. The new grant will turn our project into a year-long activity that will include many special events where the youths will talk to and shadow professionals in the field. There will also be two visits from celebrity athletes. The Media Center does this in partnership with the Lewis and Joan Platt East Palo Alto Family YMCA. The Ron and Marcia Goldman Youth Development program seeks to improve young people’s life trajectories. The goal of the foundation's initiative is to help engage a harder-to-reach segment of the youth population and address critical service gaps. #MCSports #youthsports #leadership #sportsnews
Maria Natalia Diaz: Lisbon to America to Mexico
An amazing new story of 4 generations starting in Lisbon, Portugal and winding through Massachusetts, New York, Poland, Mexico, and Palo Alto where Paula Collins the great-granddaughter and head of the Palo Alto Family YMCA Diversity Committee now lives.
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An amazing holiday gift to the community! California Humanities has awarded your favorite cable access TV station a grant to conduct two storyteller salons (similar to The Moth story programs). Our events will feature the stories of DREAMers - young people whose parents brought them over the border to begin a new life in the US. Their story-performances will cover a range of personal experiences. The events will take place at the Palo Alto City Library and the Redwood City Public Library. Let us know if you want to be notified when we get specific dates. The events are part of our Made Into America project. (Art work below by Jonathan Hernandez)
Rush Delivery: 360 Package Cam
Imagine two lonely packages full of holiday gifts meet on a conveyor belt and plan their escape. Sound like a great holiday movie? Well, since that one hasn't been done picture this: Louiseville Ky is the Silicon Valley of the shipping industry. This is where according to UPS most packages in the US are routed to in order to be re-routed out to their final destination. A behind the scenes look at a facility that during the holiday season can handle over 4 million packages a night. Videos on how things work will be trending in 2016! Have a Happy New Year and come on down, learn how to make your "how-to" or "how things work" video with us! #howtovideo #howthingswork