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Shachah World Ministries

5701 Livingston Rd, Oxon Hill, United States
Church/religious organization



Shalom Peace ~ Nothing Broken and Nothing Missing Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father. I pray that you will be blessed as you visit our website. We are a people determined to live holy and victorious. The Apostle Paul constantly encouraged and admonished the believer in every church to live a mature and triumphant life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Today I also encourage you to live a holy and triumphant life in Christ Jesus our Lord as we are called to be witnesses to all people in every place. Therefore arise and walk in the will of God our Father. Be Blessed, Be Encouraged, Shalom, Peace, Nothing Broken, Nothing Missing.

                                                       Bishop Phyllis S. Glascoe, D.Div



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