City of Oviedo - Recreation & Parks
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facebook.comCactus Jack & The Cadillacs are wrapping up Rockin' the Park! Until about 10pm. #RockinOviedo #OviedoCenterLakePark
Great #RockinOviedo crowd at #CenterLakePark! 40+ vendors total (several food & dessert options & much more). Going strong until 10pm. Thank you to Oviedo Medical Center & Classic Mazda / Holler Hyundai for supporting the event & Helpful Hands Inc.
#RockinOviedo continues to party with Mason Pace Band! Free admission with great food & drink specials. Upgrade to Preferred for only $20. Proceeds benefit Help Hands Inc.
A beautiful day for a paddle boat ride from the Marina at #OviedoCenterLakePark! Remember, Rockin the Park starts any minute. Food & other vendors are already set up & ready! Bailey Callahan plays at 5pm.
The forecast looks promising (certainly better than yesterday) so make sure to catch Bailey Callahan open up Rockin the Park at 5pm. Doors open at 4pm.
Today is #NationalDogDay. Bring your fur baby to #RockinOviedo at #OviedoCenterLakePark and share the experience. General admission is free or upgrade to the Preferred Package for only $20 (parking, seating, drink tickets, & access to inside the Center - a/c, restrooms)! More info at #eventbrite.
#OviedoCenterLakePark is still open today but part of Center Lake Lane is still closed due to #RockinOviedo. May not be able to park as close to the playground or splash pad as usual. (Join us for the event tonight!...)
It will likely rain again today but it will clear & the show will go on! Check out up & coming stars Bailey Callahan and the Mason Pace Band open up the night then Running With Scissors and Cactus Jack & The Cadillacs. Free general admission! Or... Upgrade to the Preferred Package for only $20 that includes parking, seating, drink tickets, and access inside the center (A/C, restrooms). Proceeds benefit Helpful Hands Inc. Join us for this great community event! #eventbrite
#RockinOviedo round two at #OviedoCenterLakePark! After the rain (hopefully not 🤞🏼) and before the big "boxing" fight...
Our big finale tonight is CeCe Teneal & Soul Kamotion. CeCe is having fun with staff before her performance! #RockinOviedo
It's cleared up & a beautiful night. Still plenty of time to join us. #RockinOviedo #OviedoCenterLakePark
What's that? Could it be? The sun? Almost. Close enough! We are Rockin' the Park at #OviedoCenterLakePark #RockinOviedo #Oviedostock