St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church
Mass Times:
SAT - 5 pm
SUN - 7:30, 9, 11 am. A 5 pm Mass is added September-May. Our congregation consists of over six thousand registered members and some two thousand eight hundred families each with their own longing for ongoing personal, emotional and spiritual growth.
Leaders from within our parish have gathered to determine specific directions and goals for our faith community moving forward into this time of renewal. Fr. Doug LeCaptain and a team consisting of parish council members, trustees and staff has worked diligently to identify six specific areas in which our church hopes to see focused growth.
The six areas are as follows, with the the primary stated goal stated following each:
Liturgy... To encourage full, active, conscious participation.
Parish Community... To maintain and develop relationships with all areas of parish community life.
Evangelization... To invite all people to a deeper relationship with God.
Formation & Education... To deepen people’s understanding of Jesus Christ and His Church in order to live Christ’s teaching.
Catholic Identity... To strengthen our participation in the universal Catholic Church.
Fiscal Responsibility... To continue to achieve the church mission through careful financial stewardship.
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facebook.comAs Catholics, we are called to a life of service, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.
Lent means St. Raphael Friday night Fish Fry! We're ready to take orders in person and on the phones at 4 pm every Friday during Lent.
How are you sharing in the stewardship of prayer this Lenten season? Try the "Transformed By Prayer" 3-minute retreat from Loyola Press: (Click blue START YOUR RETREAT button at the bottom right of the header image to begin.)
A Journey Through the Stations of the Cross with Brian Keliher has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 6 at 6:45 pm. Brian Keliher will prayerfully use his artwork to lead us through the Stations. His art will help us reflect on God's presence on our journey of joy and suffering as we follow Jesus on the way to the cross and resurrection.
All activities at St. Raphael are canceled today, including Soup & Study, RE classes, and A Journey Through the Stations of the Cross.
Update: Boy Scouts have canceled their meeting at St. Raphael as well. Daring to Walk the Walk and RCIA are canceled tonight due to weather conditions.
We began the season of Lent with five Masses yesterday.
St. Raphael families enjoyed great food, friends, and entertainment at our annual Mardi Gras celebration last night. A big thank-you to all our volunteers who made this event happen as well as the staff who coordinated it, and many thanks to ComedyCity of De Pere for the fantastic show!
We have four more Ash Wednesday Masses at noon, 4:15, 5:30, and 6:45 pm.
We have five Mass opportunities for Ash Wednesday tomorrow from 7:15 am to 6:45 pm.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting Cupid's Cafe this Sunday, February 11, in Good Samaritan Hall after every Mass.
We are one week away from Ash Wednesday. We have five Ash Wednesday Mass opportunities next Wed, Feb 14.