La Divina - Decor
Decor Consulting / Interior Design / Furniture Restoration and independent design pieces
Shop Online ! I'm ale, passionate designer, neglected object defender and design lover with no complications. I always find objects in each place that tell stories and I want to take them home. The more damaged the more I love them. This is how I like them! Because I have the opportunity to give them new life.
To see them reborn is one of the things that satisfies my soul and in the same way, I hope that the DIVINE DECOR inspires and leads you to rescue the beauty of what seems not so beautiful. Furniture and objects worked with simple techniques learned in the course of my life and product of unexpected trips. My proposals are always focused on small objects, those that love at first sight when you enter a space, such as mirrors, mini benches, decorated windows, cushions and others.
Thank you for following my account where at each point is my creativity and passion!
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Find the beauty in Everyday// A white furniture will always be a good idea. No matter the place, shape or style! 🤓
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Making interesting background texure using Aubusson Blue, Emilie, Scandinavian Pink, Primer Red and white paint colours of Annie Sloan.
La Divina - Decor
Hello ! I want to share with all of you, some treasures that I found last weekend in Sanford City.(Florida // USA). Amazing places, local design shops and art. This pictures are for vintage lovers!!! --- Quiero compartirles algunos tesoritos que encontré la semana pasada en mi visita por la ciudad de Sanford, Fl. Lugares espectaculares, muchas tiendas de diseno independiente y mucho arte. Estas foticos son especialmente para todos los vintage Lovers!
Sanford, Florida
Hello ! I want to share with all of you, some treasures that I found last weekend in Sanford City.(Florida // USA). Amazing places, local design shops and art. This pictures are for vintage lovers!!! --- Quiero compartirles algunos tesoritos que encontré la semana pasada en mi visita por la ciudad de Sanford, Fl. Lugares espectaculares, muchas tiendas de diseno independiente y mucho arte. Estas foticos son especialmente para todos los vintage Lovers!
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Welcome May!! - Mother's Day
La Divina - Decor
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Black Power!
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Spring Inspiration / Inspiración de Primavera! // Decorative cages
La Divina - Decor
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Welcome APRIL/ good Time to create