Top Local Places

First United Methodist Church Opelika

702 Avenue A, Opelika, United States



Sunday morning services:
8:30-Worship in the sanctuary
9:45-Sunday School
10:45-Contemporary at The Hub
11:00-Traditional worship in the sanctuary


We have 43 church members involved in ongoing care of those who need some extra support! If you would like to volunteer to visit those who can't get out and about as easily, write caring notes to those who need some extra cheer, or visit those who are in the hospital, let us know with the church office and we will connect with a wonderful ministry opportunity.

Open My Eyes That I May See When you have been to church for a while, sometimes it's hard to see it afresh and anew. I wish that you all could have had my experience last week of seeing this church for the first time. You could feel the spirit of God moving in two vibrant worship services Sunday morning. You saw our heart for missions during our Sunday school hour, as our mission team left Thursday morning for Honduras, and as all ages delivered food to our community Thursday afternoon. You heard the laughter and joy of our staff and members planning for ministries this fall. You knew the compassion and love from those who shared their reports of visiting those in the hospital. You saw the children running and playing, forming holy friendships and relationships that will sustain them in life on and off our campus. You saw youth who spontaneously gathered for ice cream and who prayed and studied together. I wonder what you see at our church. I wonder what our visitors see and what our community sees. I hope that you see what a gift from God you are to our community and to our world. Let me challenge you to look at our worship services, our ministries, and our campus these next few weeks with fresh eyes. See the ways that God is moving in our midst, and look for ways that we can reflect the love of Christ that this world needs to see. How can we be the welcoming beacon of hope that God calls us to be, and how is God calling you to help us live into our calling? Feel free to call me at the office or drop me a line as God moves you to serve God through this church through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. May our eyes be opened together. Yours, Robin

How wonderful it is to see all generations working together to serve our community! #FeedTheHungry

We are so thankful for the 34 people going on our mission trip to Honduras. Keep them in your prayers this week.

Today's the day; come join us! 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.

Paradise Found "We may have moved to paradise." As I spoke these words to my husband Jeff, he took another bite of the Brunswick stew from the Elks Lodge that a lovely church member brought to welcome us to town, and he nodded in agreement. I am honored to serve our God with you in ministry. This church has such a rich history; I'll talk about that a bit in this Sunday's sermon. But the history of this town and this church are not what excites me: the future does. Can you imagine what God can do with the people of our congregation? Can you believe that we have the privilege of serving God in this place with these fellow holy friends? Can you fathom the depth of love that our God has shown us that we have the privilege of showing to this community and this world? With the people of this church, the amazing lay and staff leaders in this community, our best days are looming bright on the horizon. My prayer for us all is that we bend our will to our God and courageously step out in faith to share the love of Christ with a world who desperately needs to know him. What greater joy can there be then to be gifted by God, called together in mission, friendship, and ministry, and to witness to Christ to this world? We may have moved to paradise, for we all get to do this together, as a church family, every day. These next few weeks, I want you and your family and friends to make a special effort to be here to worship and pray with your church family. After all, if we are not here, then we cannot grow to know and love another. Patrick Craig (your AMAZING new Associate Pastor) and I will be preaching a sermon series these next 4 weeks called, "Who Are You People." We will have fun getting to know you, you will get to know us, and we all will get to see God at work within each other. Let us laugh, love, and labor together for the Kingdom. God's future is glorious. Yours, Robin

Join us this Sunday as we welcome our new senior pastor, Robin Wilson, and her precious family, as well as our new associate pastor, Patrick Craig! We are so very excited to have this dynamic duo leading FUMC! Our future is bright; come be a part of it! Services at 8:30 and 11:00 in the sanctuary.

We are so happy and blessed to welcome our new senior pastor, Rev. Robin Wilson, and her precious family! Rev. Wilson's first Sunday in the pulpit will be July 9. Come join us! Check out her introduction video... WELCOME, WILSONS!

VBS is coming up! Sign up and bring a friend! June 12th through the 15th 8:45-12:00
