Life Community Church
We are a friendly community of believers who love to pursue the presence of God and make Christ real to the community around us.
Tell your friends
Remember the Early Bird deadline is approaching quick! Pick up your applications. Ends May 31st.
Daughters of the King Tea
Service starts in just under an hour! There is still time to join us. Worship will be incredible as always and we will be continuing our series "Who Are We?" Come a little early, grab some coffee from the Freedom Cafe and join us!
Night of prayer starting now! There is still time to join us.
Timeline Photos
That's a whole lot of eggs for our Egg Hunt on Sunday! Over 1,500 so far. Thank you to everyone who has donated eggs. Invite your friends and neighbors, we have a plan B for rain.
Easter Sunday Services
Don't forget our night of prayer and worship tonight! Starts at 6:30 but come anytime between 6:30 and 7:45!
Photos from Life Community Church's post
We had the privilege of dedicating 3 babies this morning. May they always walk with Jesus.
Timeline Photos
Don't forget to set those clocks forward tonight! And if you are dragging a little in the morning, stop buy the Freedom Cafe in the Life Center and get your coffee before service. All profits are donated to ministries that are involved in restoring the victims of human trafficking. See you at 10:00am!
Photos from Life Community Church's post
Sweet Life 2017 Comes to a close. It was a great weekend of blessings with the ladies of LCC, friends and family! SISTERS!
Photos from Life Community Church's post
Day 1 of our districts Women's Ministry Sweet Life Conference with these, and more, amazing ladies. ❤ Such a blessed time!