Township of Nutley, NJ
Official Facebook page of the Township of Nutley, NJ Official Facebook Page of the Township of Nutley, NJ
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facebook.comNutley Police Department Alert - 11/26/17 Theft from Motor Vehicles Police Director Alphonse Petracco and Chief Thomas Strumolo are alerting residents of several thefts from motor vehicles that occurred over the evening and early morning hours. Chief Strumolo reminds everyone to secure their vehicles and remove valuables from inside. He said this has become a common practice for individual (s) to try door handles and enter unlocked vehicles in an effort to steal loose change, cell phones, navigation equipment and electronics. If you realize that your vehicle had been entered, we urge you to NOT TOUCH ANYTHING and call police. If you see anyone walking late evening or early morning, peering in driveways or trespassing, contact police immediately. 973-284-4940
ANNUAL HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING - Sunday, December 3rd Township's Official Kick-Off of the Holiday Season! Mayor Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli and the Board of Commissioners have announced plans to host one of Nutley’s oldest traditions – the annual Holiday Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting. The entire community is invited to attend the Township’s official kick-off of the Holiday Season. The annual celebration will take place on Sunday, December 3, 2017 from 5:30pm to 7pm, with activities scheduled to take place both inside John H. Walker Middle School and areas in and around the Nutley Park Oval. Franklin Avenue will be closed between Chestnut and New Streets. For more information please contact the Office of Mayor Scarpelli at (973) 284-4959 our visit
Please be advised all Municipal Offices will be closed Thursday-Friday, November 23-24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. ** Recycling and Garbage Collection are suspended for Thursday, November 23 ** We wish all our residents and visitors to the Township a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
Commissioner Mauro G. Tucci and the Department of Parks and Recreation invite Nutley residents to share in some holiday fun at the Recreation Annex Building located at 65 Bloomfield Ave. First Annual “Christmas Movie Night” with a feature presentation of ARTHUR CHRISTMAS (PG) on Friday, December 8, 2017. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with a movie start time of 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the Parks & Recreation Department located at 44 Park Ave. Tickets are $5.00 donation per person, please make checks payable to Relay For Life of Nutley. Popcorn and movie snacks will be provided. Limited space available.
TOWNSHIP OF NUTLEY JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Clerk - Department of Revenue and Finance Handle various matters for the purchase of goods and services of the Township, as well as coordinate across various functions within the Department of Revenue & Finance, the public and the State. Knowledge of budget practices, procedures, problem analysis as well strong communication skills are required along with intermediate proficiency in the utilization of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Please forward resume to Eleni Pettas, Municipal Clerk via email: To apply for this position please visit
Late Night Voter Registration for Special School Board Election Tuesday, November 21, 2017 From the office of Commissioner Thomas J. Evans and the Department of Revenue and Finance A Special School Board Election will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 All polling locations will be open from 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. To vote in the Special Election you must be registered to vote no later than Tuesday, November 21, 2017 The Municipal Clerk’s Office will have extended hours of operation for LATE NIGHT REGISTRATION on the following days: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Should you have any questions regarding elections, please direct your questions to Eleni Pettas, Municipal Clerk at 973-284-4955 or via e-mail at
Special Board of Commissioners Meeting Monday, November 20, 2017 - CANCELLED Please be advised that the Special Board of Commissioners Meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, November 20, 2017 has been CANCELLED. The next regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 at 7:00pm.
The Township’s Christmas Tree arrived this morning! *** SAVE THE DATE! - The annual Tree Lighting will be held on Sunday, December 3rd.
Please be advised all Municipal Offices will be closed on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th in observance of Veterans Day. Please also take note that the 10 day grace period for property tax payments is extended to Monday, November 13th.
UNOFFICIAL Results from the General Election held on November 7, 2017. ** Does not include Absentee and Provisional Ballots Casted **
RAKES PROGRAM - Friday-Saturday, November 24th-25th The RAKES program provides an alternative to seniors and those who are disabled and unable to rake their leaves. Residents seeking help must be over 60 and/or be disabled, own and live in the home requiring raking assistance, and be unable to afford help. Community volunteer teams will rake homes during this time period. Please call Mayor Scarpelli's Office at (973) 284-4958 or email to either apply or volunteer for this program.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th is ELECTION DAY. Polls will be open from 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM. All Municipal Offices will be closed, except for the Municipal Clerk's Office for Election Day matters only. In addition, Recycling Collection is suspended for the Tuesday section of the Township. #electionday