Novi Middle School
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facebook.comNOVI HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL 8th grade boys who are interested in the NHS football program should attend an informational session on Tuesday, December 5 in room 117 during their lunch (either A or B, not both). Bring your lunch to the meeting.
7TH GRADE MATH CLUB 7th grade math club will meet on Wednesday, December 6, 2:30pm in room 522.
8th GRADE MATH CLUB 8th grade math club will meet on Tuesday, December 5, 2:35pm in room 522.
NMS WRESTLING TEAM Students interested in joining the wrestling team, there is a sign up sheet in the main office. If you picked up a packet at lunch on Tuesday, please come to the main office and sign up.
NMS is looking for students who are interested in being a part of the 2017-18 Science Olympiad Team. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday, December 5th, 2:45pm in room 110. If you can't be at the meeting, there is a sign up sheet in the main office. Parents and students are all welcome.
NMS DANCE CLUB NMS dance club will meet November 30, 2:45 - 4:15pm, on the stage. Wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to dance!!
DC Trip 2018 Attention 7th grade parents: Information regarding the November 2018 8th Grade Trip to Washington, DC, was handed out to all 7th grade students on Thursday, November 16, in their social studies classes. If you are interested in learning more about the trip, a parent meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13, at 7 pm in the Novi Middle School auditorium.
Paw Print The next Paw Print meeting is Monday, December 4, after school in room 128.
NMS SCIENCE FAIR Students ordering science fair display materials should turn in their completed order form and money to their science teacher. Checks should be made payable to Novi Middle School. Orders are due by Friday DECEMBER 1st.
Join Novi Middle School Staff and other 7th grade parents at our Round Table Discussion Night on January 17 at 6:45 pm. We will have small discussion tables covering everything from the Novi Power bullying prevention program to 8th grade course descriptions. Sign up using the link below as seats are limited!
NOVEMBER 22, 1/2 DAY School is dismissed at 11:00am.
NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 23-24. Thanksgiving break.