KO-TV Ministries
KO-TV Ministries is an Apologetics Ministry devoted to defending the Christian Bible against all attacks, and in arming people with the answers to some of life's hardest questions (pertaining to the Word of God). What if you found out the world you thought you knew was merely the shadow of something far, far bigger? What if you were able to learn that, over the course of your whole life, the government, the public school systems, colleges, and Hollywood have been struggling desperately to veer you away from "The Truth"? What if you (and millions of others) have been tricked? What if learning the real truth meant your "foundational way of thinking" would be ripped out from under you and that your entire life may be irrevocably changed forever,... simply by learning the truth? Would you still hunger for it? Are you willing to see where the evidence leads? Are you willing to go WHEREVER it takes you? No matter what? If so,... Welcome to KO-TV Ministries "official" Facebook page! :-)
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