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Daniel Gracie Academy of Northborough

38 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough, United States
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



We are in the business of chaging peoples lives, our mission is the see each member reaching their full potential


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#graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @danielgracie @renzogracie @bananac30 @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Cardio Kickboxing getting a good workout with coach @derekcalado. Great work everyone πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ₯Š #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Selfie pic with our little grapplers, great work. Like always everyone did an amazing job.... OSS πŸ‘πŸ½ #littlegrapplers #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Looking for a fun work out with some cool people? we are the place to be!! We offer: β€’ Over 15 hours of Gracie Jiu Jitsu for adults β€’4 kids class β€’4 Cardio KickBoxing Class β€’Open 7 days of week #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Great time with the lunch crew, be here next Tuesday. You will love it... OSS πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹ #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Photos from Daniel Gracie Academy of Northborough's post

We love new gears at DGA. Summer is coming and new gears will be on the way soon. Sun is out, guns are put.... Tank top on black, Dark grey t-shirt and GI bags available soon. This bag will have pocket for cell phone, wallet, etc... Ask at the front desk to pre-order yours... OSS

Photos from Daniel Gracie Academy of Northborough's post

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Fundamental class crew πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ₯‹ Great work everyone... OSS #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take." –Wayne Gretzky Great work everyone, its been amazing to see everyone hard work and dedication. See you back on the mats tomorrow... OSS #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @danielgracie @bananac30 @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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Congrats Lucas on your grey belt, all your hard work and dedication pay off buddy. Time to work harder for the next promotion πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹ #graciejiujitsu #dgabjj #realjiujitsu #gracieway #discipline #respect #martialarts #northboro #nothborough #northboroughma #westborough #westboro @danielgracie @renzogracie @bananac30 @OSS #respect #dgabjj #oneflag #weareone #brazilianjiujitsu #letshavefun #futurechamps #realmartialartsforkids #blackbelt #submission #getfit

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WOW..... Great time last Friday with the kids promotion. Non of this couldn't be possible with all those awesome instructor. Congrats to everyone that deserved their belts and stripes last Friday, huge accomplish to our little grapplers πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹

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Our Kids program we focus more then just the martial arts, we also focus on: Respect, Discipline, TeamWork, Fun and More. Bring your child for a intro Class πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹

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Another great day in the office, thank everyone for the high energy class. Great work πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹πŸ₯‹ lifestyle

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