The Gospel Chapel
The Gospel Chapel is dedicated to reaching people for Christ. The Gospel Chapel is dedicated to reaching people for Christ; people from every generation, every race and every culture, to help them develop a mature Christ-like lifestyle, to bring them into fellowship with His family and to equip them for ministry to experience God's will for their life in order to magnify God's name.
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Wow! Keep on checking in to do good.
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Don't want to miss any important announcements? Follow this link and sign up for text and/or email alerts- stay in the loop.
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Due to storm cleanup still going on, we will NOT be having AWANA or Bible Study tonight. Hang in there Sunday's coming.
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Let's think warm thoughts as we watch the snow pile up - what better thought than VBS! June 19-23rd 9a-12p. Follow this link to sign up your child or come on board as a volunteer! It's an amazing week that changes lives.
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The final installment of our sermon series Elephant in the Room is now available online at can also get it on iTunes and our mobile app. Join us Saturday at 6:30pm or Sunday morning at 10:30am (don't forget to set your clocks FORWARD one hour) for the beginning of our new series The Choice.
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Make sure to mark your calendars! More info to follow.
Awesome job church! Just 6 days into march and we are able to help provide 35 meals for kids. Keep on checking in!
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Part 4 of our series is now available online at you can also access it on our mobile app or iTunes. Join us this Saturday at 6:30pm or Sunday at 10:30am for the conclusion to this series.
Reach by Causely
It's a new month!!!
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Part 2 and 3 of our series The Elephant in the room are now available at also available on iTunes and our mobile app