Harvest Christian Fellowship
"A real church for real people."
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facebook.comWe want to invite you to join us this weekend for one of our Easter services. We would love to have you join us as we celebrate Jesus together!!! We have a seat saved just for you. Please come just as you are.
Spread the word to those who may benefit from attending Project Connect on April 5. Be sure to check out our Celebrate Recovery booth!
One of our core values at Harvest is to equip people to live like Jesus. It's important to us that you grow in your faith. We believe that you do that best in small groups and so we encourage you to attend one of our discipleship classes. You can sign-up in the Welcome Center or online at npharvest.church
Easter is almost here and we can’t wait to celebrate!!! Invite your friends and family to join you for this great celebration.
This week we are asking how we can praise Jesus everyday? What is one way your child shared that they can praise God?
Watch the latest sermon at Harvest here!!!
Bring the whole family!
A great big THANK YOU to the awesome crew who came out on a chilly morning to help us with our Spring Cleanup!
If you think you missed your chance to be a part of the egg stuffing team I have Great News! We will be prepping this afternoon from 2-6 come enjoy being a part of sharing the story of Easter with kids in our area
Skittle pox
Can't wait to share what Easter is about! Make sure all your friends are here! Share this post to invite them. We have plenty of eggs to go around!