Ignite Yoga CT
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Monday! Start your week off on the right foot. #yoga #igniteyoga #flowyoga #weareallbeginners #beginneryoga #northhaven
Yin Yoga with Melissa and Jenn Sunday 9-10:15 am Melissa Wednesday 8:15-9:15am Melissa Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm Jenn Friday 8:15-9:15am Melissa #yinyoga #sitstill #rightaction #clearseeing
Megan getting her hoop on! Repost @gem.hoops with @get_repost ・・・ Saturday evening. #hoopspam #flowmiesofearth #peoplescreatives #hoop #meditation
Saturday #sparkyourlife #kindleyourenergy #yoga #gentleyoga #flowyoga #igniteyoga
#Repost @lunalotushealing with @get_repost ・・・ Let’s get ✨gentle ✨ join me tomorrow for #GentleYoga at @igniteyogact! I will offer some chanting, an easeful Asana practice and an extra juicy Savasana with the option to receive some Reiki to help heal and relax mind, body, and spirit 🙏🏽✨ #igniteyogact #getgentle #restorativeyoga #hathayoga #bhaktiyoga #openhearts #lightspiritshappyhearts
#Repost @yogahallic with @get_repost ・・・ Happy Kids Yoga Day! #happyday #happykidsyogaday #theresadayforeverything #happykidsdosavasana #resthard #playhard #sistersavasana #soulsisters #kdeerkids
Rosie is sick. No 11:15-12:15pm class today! #sickday #getwellsoon
Friday!! #sparkyourlife #kindleyourenergy #yinyoga #flowyoga #igniteyoga #northhaven
We are open despite what the computer says. #comeonin #getonyourmat #practice #yoga
Thursday! #gentleyoga #poweryoga #yoga #flowyoga #igniteyoga #northhaven #shiva #agni