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Paul Fly Elementary School

2920 Potshop Rd, Norristown, United States




Hi PVF Families, The weather is looking beautiful for Friday night's Jubilee! The raffle baskets are almost complete, the games, food and vendors are all set...all we need is YOU! We are still in need of multiple parent volunteers to help at Jubilee this Friday. If you are available, please let me know. We are asking that volunteers arrive by 5pm. Any amount of time that you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers help make events like these a success! Thanks to so many of you who have already donated towards the baskets. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Jubilee! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks much. Parent Faculty Club at Paul Fly Elementary School

Norristown Area School District

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Paul Fly staff and students participated in the Think Pink Walk for Breast Cancer this afternoon. Thank you to everyone for your donations towards this important cause!

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

SWPBS and Technology Survey

Please take a moment to fill out this survey about about our SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behavior Support) videos:

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Congratulations to our 4th grade chorus on a wonderful spring concert performance!

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Good afternoon Paul Fly Families, Due to the current weather forecast, the 2017 Family Jubilee has been postponed until Friday, May 19, 2017. All tickets that have been purchased will be honored that evening. If you would like to purchase additional tickets, please send in your orders by Monday May, 15th. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we want to be proactive in postponing it due to the rain in the forecast. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please reach out to the Paul Fly Parent Faculty Club at Additionally, we are in need of parent volunteers to help us at various tables and activities. If you are available, please let us know. Thank you! The Jubilee Committee and Paul Fly Elementary School

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Paul Fly had a special visit today from motivational speaker Reggie Dabbs! Students were reminded that they can achieve anything they put their mind to!

Timeline Photos

Please congratulate our 4th grade Reading Olympics Team on their first place, Blue Ribbon win last night at the Montgomery County Reading Olympics! Team members: *MacKenzie Keller & *Ivy Neil- Team Captains Alex Carpenter Alana Echevaria Laura Finnegan Alex Gorycki Carmine Hall Michelle John Matty Leary Jillian McTamney Ava Stuetz Mekhi Weber Thank you to all our PVF teachers for turning us into readers! Special thanks to Ms. Zalalas for volunteering. Thank you to Mrs. Doerner, Mrs. Windheim, Ms. Etnier, Mrs. Denecke and Mrs. Green for supporting the team and Mrs. Schultz for joining us for the event!

Timeline Photos

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Students in Mrs. Phillabaum's 2nd grade class read a nonfiction story about bees in their Storytown books. Then, they researched why bees are dying out around the world. In their research, they learned that one way to help bees is by making bee houses to help bees find a safe place for their hive and have a good place to overwinter. Students then designed bee houses that would be safe, warm, and dry. Afterwards, students further explored graphic aids by drawing their own step-by-step diagram of how to make a bee house.

Photos from Paul Fly Elementary School's post

Welcome to Paul V. Fly Elementary School

We would like to invite you to view 2 new videos! The first video is all about our new hero bench! The second video is our new Paul V. Fly Elementary welcome video! Enjoy!

Norristown Area School District

Norristown Area School District
