We help you Reduce Property Taxes!
IQ like no other system will show you estimated saving on property in less than 15 seconds
IQ system will prepare and let you print completed appeal form as well as all additional forms and letters ready to be presented for County Assessor
The IQ Tax Appeals service was founded by two Real Estate Investors and CPA who realized over the years that local property taxes and assessments are often unjust. Their experience showed that many communities are still working with outdated systems and are way behind in matching assessments with real values.
In addition, they found that appeals for reassessment of real estate often took a great deal of time and expense. Many property owners sought help from attorneys who would compile huge amounts of paperwork at great cost.
With our service, we provide a simple do-it-yourself approach for filing Property tax reduction petitions. Lawyers become unnecessary, paperwork is reduced and cost is low and predictable. We Protect Your Personal Data
IQ Tax Appeals has a strict policy against releasing your information to anyone. This includes any third parties or government agencies. An exception is made in the case of a criminal investigation where we are served a court order by lawful authorities.
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