Venice Nokomis United Methodist Church- VNUMC
Our Worship Services are Sunday Mornings -- TRADITIONAL Service at 8:45 AM- FAMILY LIFE Service at 10:30 AM. We would love you to come join us and be part of our growing church family in Christ! Venice-Nokomis United Methodist Church was established in 1868 by Jesse Knight, one of the first settlers in this territory. After succeeding in getting the entire caravan across the creek and providing shelter for his family, Jesse gathered his wife and fifteen children around him to read the scriptures, thank God for their safe journey, and ask for His guidance in the future. This event is considered to be the first worship service held in the area and established what later became known as Venice-Nokomis United Methodist Church.
Our Worship Services are Sunday Mornings -- Traditional Service with our Choir at 8:45 AM- and Family Life Service with our Praise Band 10:30 AM. We would love you to come join us and be part of our growing church family in Christ!
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facebook.comToday's Activities 4.26.17 Pastor John will be starting his class on the INTENTIONAL DISCIPLESHIP of the PRISE process this Wednesday. There will be one class at 11:00 am and the other class at 6:45pm both in the parlor. Plan to come out for a COVERED DISH DINNER at 5:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Please bring a generous dish to pass! Ladies, mark your calendar for every Thursday at 9:30 for the Chronicles of Narnia Study – The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe in the parlor.
17-04-16 Impossible
17-04-23 Faith
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Join Us for Good Friday Service! 7PM *Please Wear Black
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PLEASE NOTE NO REGULARLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES DURING HOLY WEEK MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 13 6 PM – FELLOWSHIP HALL (NO CHARGE) A small dinner will be provided during the SEDER SERVICE FRIDAY, APRIL 14 7 PM GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE PLEASE WEAR BLACK Sunday April 16 - Easter Sunday! Sunrise Service at Nokomis Jetty Beach 7AM Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 8AM Traditional Service 8:45 AM Brunch in Fellowship Hall 9:30 AM Family Praise Service 10:30 AM Glory cross will be in Church Please bring your flowers to bring this Cross to life!
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Join us this Saturday at 11:00 ! Children ages 2-12 welcome! 208 Palm Ave Nokomis. Bring a basket ! Pictures with the Easter Bunny! Share this post!!
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Join Us For Holy Week
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Come Join Us!
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Join Us for Ash Wednesday Service Today!