Pride Fitness Performance
Pride Fitness Performance is here to deliver the highest quality strength and conditioning, and the most advanced fitness instruction in the area!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"You don't quit playing because you get old, you get old because you quit playing" #neverstopplaying #keepmoving #movementismedicine
Nice work ladies!!! 👊💪👏
Photos from Pride Fitness Performance's post
ALL POINTS SELF DEFENSE IRON TIGER KEMPO KARATE Monday @ 6pm Closed Memorial Day Starting back up June 5th First class is FREE
METHOD JIU-JITSU Thursday @ 6:30pm
YOGACORR Saturday Morning 8:45am
~ SPARTAN ~ NINJA ~ ATHLETE ~ SUMMER NUTRITION & PERFORMANCE CAMP Are you ready for an AWESOME summer? This program is designed to get you stronger, leaner, and keep you motivated all summer long as you learn about nutrition for performance & body composition, master movement & new skills, build strong relationships, and have fun as you become a better you!! Do you like Spartan/Obstacle Course Races? Ninja Warrior? Gymnastics? Do you want to be more athletic? Do you want to move better, look better, and feel better? If yes to all, then you're going to absolutely LOVE this! STARTS JUNE 5th! NEW Member Deal/Student Special (14+): 3 Month Program $199 Unlimited Pride Fit Group Training, Nutrition Program, & Open Gym. Awesome deal! Perfect time to start for beginners/new members. We will be offering intro/fundamentals training classes and workshops. Personal and Private Group Training available as well. Need more information? Email Message this Facebook page Visit For Pride Fit Group Training Schedule
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Learned some new tricks and got some new toys today!! 8 hours spent in a conference room has never been that interesting!! Great course. FMT Movability Specialist ✅💪🌀 Never stop learning!
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Photos from Pride Fitness Performance's post
Beautiful day for Outdoor Workout! ☀️💪 Tag Team Conditioning (Teams of 2 complete) 100 Burpees 200 Drop Squats 3 Mile Run Congrats Shelly Audette with the best solo time of 21:55 and Monica & Nicole best team time of 23:02!!
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Happy Mothers Day to all you BAD ASS MOMS out there!! 👊💪🤘
PRIDE FIT ACTION 👊💪🐯🦁 Bring A Friend Week 5/15 - 5/20
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Champ of the Month 👊💪 Congratulations Carisa! You are April's Leader of the Pride 🦁🐯