Arts Ballet Academy, LLC
Arts Ballet Academy, LLC is founded as a pre-professional and community enrichment ballet school. Students will collaborate in a supportive, disciplined, and inspiring atmosphere that teaches classical and contemporary ballet technique and artistry.
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facebook.com5 Dance Lessons To Live Your Life By
Life lessons from dance class! Reminds me of the words of Martha Graham: "I believe that we learn by practice....Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire."
Arts Ballet Academy, LLC's cover photo
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Having fun rehearsing towns children for Snow Queen❄️❄️
Quick and Easy Snacks for Dancers On-the-Go
Some ideas for our dancers to pack in their lunch boxes today in preparation for a busy day of Snow Queen rehearsals!
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Level 2b in rehearsal for flowers!
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Snow queen rehearsals!
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Two of our beautiful Level 2 dancers on break today between "Snow Queen" rehearsals. The best friends are dance friends! #livelifebeautifully #artsballet
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Fun at rehearsals
Dance Advantage
A good reminder for our students about why we encourage dynamic stretching and warming up before class - instead of just sitting in stretches!
Don't forget our snow queen artwork. I will except artwork through the end of January. I absolutely love having the kids of all ages involved in our show give me artwork about the characters in the story, or even the words of the title of the show. A perfect thing to do on a snowy weekend :-)
Photos from Arts Ballet Academy, LLC's post
Costume planning fun!!
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Both classes of level 2 dance together tonight! So many lovely dancers! It's such a treat to have the groups together!