All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregation New London
Our Sunday worship services are at 9:30 and 11:15. Religious education classes and nursery care provided at our first service.
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facebook.comNew to All Souls? Are you considering becoming a member? Exploring All Souls is a series of 7 workshops and Small Group Ministry sessions designed to help you find deeper connection and insight into our Unitarian Universalist community. The workshops will be held Sundays, from 11:15-12:30 in the Vail library beginning Sunday, March 20, and continuing until New Member Sunday on May 15th. (No workshop on Easter Sunday.) Childcare will be provided. Here's the schedule of workshops: March 20 History of Unitarian Universalism April 3 Small Group Ministry 1/ Lunch with the ministers April 10 Workshop on Principles April 17 Small Group Ministry 2 April 24 Belonging / Stewardship & Leadership Development May 1 Grace Workshop May 7 (Saturday) Discernment Workshop May 15 New Member Sunday Sign-up at the Welcome Table in Unity Hall and watch for details in the All Souls weekly e-blast, on Facebook and in the Order of Service. For more information, please contact Jim Perkins at:
All Souls New London - Sermons
Rev. Pawelek's sermon, "Surrender: In Search of the Present Moment" is now posted on our website.
Photos from All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregation New London's post
We thank Reverend Josh Pawelek, accompanist Bil Groth, Reverend Caitlin O'Brien, and worship leader Suzanne Wingrove-Haugland for a rich Sunday service, drawing on many sources. If you've ever wondered what UU prayer might look or feel like, Rev. Josh showed us in his sermon, Surrender- in Search of the Present Moment.
Timeline Photos
Full Moon Potluck Monday, February 22, 5:30 pm, Unity Hall. Come for a fun, casual potluck with Harbor Moon CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) starting at All Souls. Learn about about our plans for drumming circles, fellowship, education, and public rituals. Bring a dish to share, drums, family and friends! Blessed be!
Timeline Photos
TODAY we welcome the Reverend Josh Pawelek with a sermon entitled "Surrender: In Search of the Present Moment." Rev. Josh serves the UU Society East in Manchester. Don't miss this! Services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Religious Education and nursery care 9:30. See you at All Souls, where all souls are welcome!
Friday Night Folk Concert - Pete Seeger Tribute
Rev. Carolyn's February 7th sermon, "Down the Mountain" is now posted on our website.
Jose B. Gonzalez: Award-Winning Latino Speaker Check out this link! Dr. Gonzalez will be at All Souls this Thursday night, 6:30 p.m. Watch the YouTube video of New London High School graduation 2013-- recognize anyone? Let's not miss this Community Conversation on Race. All welcome.
Love, Actually - Our Valentine's Day Service
So much love and music in our service Sunday morning! Thanks to Sean for the great photos!
Community Conversation on Race - this Thursday February 18, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Unity Hall. This month our speaker will be Dr. Jose Gonzalez. From Hispanic to Aliens to Black or White: Latinos and Race This session will look at some of the terms used to describe Latinos. Jose B. Gonzalez, author of the poetry collection, Toys Made of Rock, and professor of English at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, will infuse this presentation with humor, poetry, personal stories, and historical perspective. A Fulbright Scholar and a graduate of New London High School, he has presented at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, and various colleges and universities throughout the country. He has been featured on American Latino TV and is an award-winning poet. Come join us!
Timeline Photos
A morning of sweetness, light, and love! We thank Reverend Carolyn, liturgist David Gonzalez-Rice, musicians Joyce Werden, Jonathan Towne, and Bil Groth, Drew Collins and the Choir. "Meet-cute" stories, poems for our pocket, chocolate, and visitors! We are All Souls.
Timeline Photos
Tonight!! Friday, Feb. 12! Button up your overcoat... And come on over to All Souls Fabulous and Fun Fundraiser! 7 pm in Unity Hall. Suggested Donation: $20. per person supports the mission and ministries of All Souls. Chocolate Banquet at 7, the gorgeous film "Chocolat" at 7:45. Rated PG 13. Learn a bit about Fair Trade chocolate, bask in the warm company of old and new friends.
Support FRESH at the 3rd Annual Pete Seeger Tribute Concert! Friday Night Folk at All Souls Unitarian Church is hosting "For Pete's Sake," a tribute to folk legend Pete Seeger on February 26th. All the proceeds from the concert will be donated to FRESH New London! Tickets are free; suggested donations will be collected at the door. Please check out the poster above for more details. FRESH is excited to use the donated funds to advance their mission! Funds from the concert will be spent in 2016 on youth stipends and wages, new community garden projects and support for farm to school initiatives. @freshnewlondon @fresh_newlondon
