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First Congregational-Christian Church, New Gloucester, Maine

19 Gloucester Hill Rd, New Gloucester, United States
Religious Organization



We are proud to be an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ.  Sunday services at 9:30 am. Most people still use the name “Congregational” because that’s what we were called for many generations.  Originally, we were simply called “First Parish.”  Back in 1765, when the church and town were formed, the congregationalists were “it”–town and church were one and the same.  That picture changed very quickly after the Revolution, as other protestant groups formed congregations here.

In the 1930′s the Congregationalists joined with the Christian Church (a small, like-minded denomination whose churches were located mostly in the Carolinas, Virginia, and New England)…which is why our official name became “Congregational-Christian.”  Then, in 1957, the Congregational-Christian denomination joined with the Evangelical and Reformed denomination(big in Pennsylvania and the Midwest) to become the United Church of Christ.  For many reasons, our church, along with many in our area, never dropped the “Congregational” name.  The most honest of those reasons might be that nobody could make us do it (which should tell you something about congregationalists).  Now that the United Church of Christ has been around for more than 50 years and people know the name, folks who come here “from away” can’t find us because we DON’T use it.  Go figure.


Winding up our denomination's General Synod in Baltimore, this resolution condemning withdrawal from the Paris Accord.


News of someone you know!

I can think of a few answers. One is great religious books for children if you look beyond baby bibles (the last thing I would recommend as a gift). Another? Grandparents who said, "I'll let you make your own decision when the time comes" but gave them no data...and now the children have children, and the parents are scrambling for clues. What do you think?

24 walkers participated in today's New Gloucester Crop Walk. Crop supports the New Gloucester Food Pantry and Church World Service relief efforts around the world.

For we Christians whose usual worship space is a great-great-great-great grandparent space we love...

Thanks, Connor and friends, for coming over to check out all the nooks and crannies around here! Now I see what ELSE you've been up to lately.

Benefits New Gloucester Food Pantry and Church World Service hunger relief. Join us for a 6.2 mile stroll around New Gloucester, Sunday, May 7, 10:30 am. Pick up a sponsor form to collect donations in person, and/or register yourself as a walker at this site for online donations. Our walking route is church to Route 231 to Woodman Road to Meadow Lane, and back up the lo-o-ong hill on Cobbs Bridge Road. Sag car w/ EMT. Water stops.

Your mission dollars at work in the world.
