Missionary Assembly of God Church in Nantucket
Church Leadership
Senior Pastor: Evelio Alfaro
Pastores: Marcos Gomes, Ivan Silva
Missionaries: Vitória Gomes, Yolanda Renaud Nantucket Missionary Assembly of God Church accepts and declares the Holy Scriptures, that is, the Holy Bible as the Will of God revealed to all men. We believe the whole Bible to be completely and equally inspired and that it is the written Word of God. We declare that the Holy Bible is the only guide of faith and doctrine of this Church. We also adopt the Declaration of Fundamental Truths approved by the Brazil Assembly of God Churches General Convention (CGADB).
The water baptism by immersion will be performed to the ones who accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, followed by repentance, conversion from their sins, then production of good fruits of rebirth in Christ.
Source: bylaw page 2
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