Myrtle Waves Water Park
South Carolina's largest water park: over 20 acres of swerves, curves, waves, and chutes and over 1 million gallons of water! Visit for operating days and times
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facebook.comHave you seen all the perks you get as a 2018 Season Pass Holder? Just one more reason to NOT miss out on our ONE DAY ONLY Black Friday Super Sale!
We are just days away from our Black Friday Super Sale! Please keep these few things in mind as we get closer to the day! 1. This is a ONE DAY ONLY Sale - November 24th! 2. You may purchase your 2018 Season Passes through our website - ALL information is at the link below! 3. Single Park AND Multiple Park 2018 Season Passes are available FOR THE LOWEST PRICE on November 24th, ONLY! 4. The sale will begin online AT MIDNIGHT on November 24th! 5. These make for the PERFECT Christmas gift! Do you have a question that has not been answered yet? Please post it below and we will be happy to help you :)
You might be the **WINNER** of something special if you vote in our poll in the Black Friday Super Sale Event! Remember, ONLY 10 DAYS UNTIL THE BLACK FRIDAY ONE DAY ONLY SUPER SALE!
On the fence about purchasing a Season Pass during the Black Friday Sale? Well, think about it this way ... after your SECOND visit to Myrtle Waves, that Season Pass has paid for itself!
Helpful Tip: By clicking the "Interested" or "Going" button, Facebook will help you remember to purchase during the ONE DAY ONLY Black Friday Sale! We know you are busy and want to help you remember the date for the BEST DEAL OF THE YEAR!
We were voted "Best Waterpark" in the 2017 Myrtle Beach Awards! Just think, you have the chance to purchase a SEASON PASS to the best waterpark along the Grand Strand for 2018 and go Every Single Day!!
It is Myrtle Waves Water Park, Wild Water & Wheels and Broadway Grand Prix ONE DAY ONLY Black Friday Super Sale! Get your 2018 Race and Double Splash Pass, Double Splash Pass, Race and Splash Pass, Race Pass or Splash Pass for the LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON! Available on any of the three websites or in park 9am - 5pm November 24th ONLY!
Black Friday Super Sale - November 24th ONLY!!
Black Friday Countdown begins TODAY! Choose between multiple pass options on this ONE DAY ONLY SALE! 3 Parks, 1 LOW Price! November 24th ONLY!
Friday Family Fun Day at Broadway Grand Prix has been extended for the NEXT THREE FRIDAYS! Season Pass Holders, you get an additional $10.00 OFF this price! See you on the tracks!