Reform Strength & Conditioning
I created Reform Strength & Conditioning with one simple goal in mind — to help as many people as possible.
Your goals are my goals. I created Reform Strength & Conditioning with one simple goal in mind — to help as many people as possible.
I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. Anything you need don’t hesitate to reach out and I’ll do everything I can for you.
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If exercise can help you: feel better, look better, move better, lose weight, gain strength, build confidence, get toned, gain muscle and all of the other awesome things it can do why is it so hard for some to commit to movement/exercise? The barrier to entry seems low when I look at it so it's not that. So what is it? Is it the feeling of being lost/not knowing what you're doing? Time (hint: we all have time)? Not important to you? Bad gym experience? In sincerely want to know! The more I know the better I can develop ways to help. If you want my help personally please let me know. ❤️
Reform + Compete Every Day shirts are here! Let me know if you want one, unisex fit. Only $25!
💥What If An Exercise Hurts?💥 🦄 Hurts = Physical Pain. I don’t mean the hurt that will happen when you lift hard and have a pump. Now that we have that out of the way lets proceed to the BROism’s that need to die. Today. 🐝 -No Pain No Gain -Pain Is Weakness Leaving the Body -If It Ain’t Hurtin’ You Ain’t Tryin # Okay — so maybe I missed the boat here butttt actual pain, in my experience leads to injury. Injuries lead to lost gym time which means lost gainZ. I don’t know but that seems to be the exact opposite of the goal when exercising. Maybe you’re into actual pain or something. Thats fine, no judgment here. Ok maybe a little. 🐛 The truth is this: every body is made differently. Everyone is at a different point in their fitness journey. Some variations of an exercise just don’t jive well with some individuals. They may not be proficient in the movement, maybe they’re not at the level needed to perform it yet or maybe they have an injury that contraindicates them doing that movement. Whatever the reason may be, a good coach should have an endless amount of exercises in his library that can mimic the effects of (x) but don’t cause literal pain. You should never stick with a program (or coach) who says their is no deviating from the plan or you’re doing it wrong. Period. 🦋 Get all the muscle ripping pumps you want, y’all. But please PLEASE don’t lift through actual pain. If you don’t know what good substitutions are, ask a coach or shoot me a DM and I will help you out. 💜
Happy Monday everyone! You don’t have to post it in here, but my challenge to you this week is to take some time and write down three things you’re thankful for on a piece of paper (or a note and make it your phone wallpaper) and reflect on that when you wake up. It will set your day up for success, promise. ❤️
Are you “that guy”? 🤔 see what I say about it here:
You know the drill, y’all. If you want to see my glorious explanation of this graphic join my free Facebook group here: 😎
FAQ: “If a program is complex does that mean it’s better than one that seems basic?” No. Program complexity isn’t needed to get results and isn’t an indicator of how many gainz you’ll get from it. I literally get texts from online clients every day that say “oh my gosh I looked at the workout and thought it would be easy but man was I wrong!”. The basics executed correctly will beat a program that looks like algebra every single time. Without execution what’s on the paper doesn’t matter. Simple changes to rep scheme, tempo and exercise variations can make a HUGE difference.
💥Client Transformation💥 # It has been exactly 6 months to the day that Tony and I started working together online. His progress has been absolutely incredible! # Tony has been the definition of consistency and hard work, and his “buy in” to the program whether he thought it was crazy or not was refreshing and flattering to say the least. # Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it. Don’t write this off as something you’ll never be able to achieve. Trust me, you can do it and the best part is that it takes ZERO crazy methods, expensive supplements or crash diets. # You have 10 weeks left in 2017 — are you going to make them count?
Join my free Facebook group that has likeminded people who have goals just like you to see what I had to say about these supplements. 😁 Comment below if you want the link to get in.