Bill's Pizza & Pub
Bill's Pizza & Pub is a family-friendly restaurant with a unique, comfortable, northwoods-inspired dining room. Our world renowned thin crust and double decker pizzas are outstanding! Also, try our delicious sandwiches and new desserts. The atmosphere at Bill's Pizza & Pub is relaxed, the beer is cold and served in a frosty mug, and the food is great. Throw your cares out the window and your peanut shells on the floor at Bill's.
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You're invited! Artist Janet Long will guide the group step-by-step through the painting of the evening (shown above in photo). Everyone ends the painting experience with a work of art they created themselves! Paints, Brushes, Canvas, and Aprons supplied. No previous art experience needed! The cost is $45 which includes the painting class as well as a $15 gift card towards food and drinks. Plus, enjoy a complimentary dessert tasting! Please RSVP to 847-548-9900 and pay in advance with a credit card.
Your'e Invited! Artist Janet Long will guide the group step-by-step through the painting of the evening (shown above in photo). Everyone ends the painting experience with a work of art they created themselves! Paints, Brushes, Canvas, and Aprons supplied. No previous art experience needed! The cost is $45 which includes the painting class as well as a $15 gift card towards food and drinks. Plus, enjoy a complimentary dessert tasting! Please RSVP to 847-566-6508 and pay in advance with a credit card.
Happy Homecoming Weekend Mustangs! We're guessing we've served a high percentage of MHS Alumni since we opened in 1957. Hope you'll stop in to share your great memories... and have some pizza! #mundeleinmustangs #mhshomecoming #mhs2017 #billspizzapub #since1957
We're very happy to support local community groups like this! #ImA12man #billspubnorth #pillspizzapub #letsgolakecounty
TGIF! Are you heading to Bill's Pub in Mundelein or Bill's North in Third Lake this weekend? You should! #billspizzapub #billspubnorth #letsgolakecounty #visitlakecounty #since1957
Retro Friday! Check us out today... Celebrating 60 years! #billspizzapub #billspubnorth #letsgolakecounty #mundeleinIL #thirdlakeIL #chicagosbest #illinoisbest #since1957 Thanks Judy W.!
Did you see our Lucky Charm rainbow over Bill's Pub?
Enjoy your Labor Day and let us cook for you. Ask our staff about the Frequent Diner Card, and you can earn double points towards future purchases. Mundelein (847)566-5380 Third Lake (847)548-9900 #laborday #billspizzapub #billspubnorth #letsgolakecounty